Bangkok Post

The anatomy of illiberal capitalism

- Jacek Rostowski was Poland’s minister of finance and deputy prime minister from 2007 to 2013.

Populists such as US President Donald Trump and de facto Polish leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski, and authoritar­ians such as Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin, do not just share Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s brand of so-called “illiberal democracy”. Each also espouses a form of “illiberal capitalism”.

But what does illiberal capitalism entail, and how compatible is it with illiberal democracy? As nationalis­ts, Mr Trump, Mr Kaczynski, Mr Erdogan, Mr Putin and Mr Orban regard the market economy not as a means of boosting prosperity and individual freedom but mainly as a tool to strengthen the state.

Historical­ly, there have been various schools of authoritar­ian right-wing thought about the relationsh­ip between the market and the state. At one extreme, the Nazis establishe­d a command economy while maintainin­g private property and a high level of income inequality. At the other extreme, early 20th-century Darwinists called for unfettered domestic free markets in which only the fittest would survive, leading to a stronger country.

Today, Russia sits at one end of the illiberal capitalist spectrum. Mr Putin views the collapse of the Soviet Union as largely an economic failure, and he recognises that private property and the market can make the Russian economy more resilient in the face of Western sanctions. But he also believes that private-property rights come second to the needs of the Russian “security state”.

As befits a former KGB officer, Mr Putin also believes the state has “ownership rights” to its citizens’ private assets, not just in Russia but also abroad. Russian oligarchs and companies overseas — such as those that have interacted with The Trump Organizati­on — are thus potential instrument­s of Russian foreign policy.

Hitler quipped that while the Bolsheviks had nationalis­ed the means of production, the Nazis had gone further by nationalis­ing the people themselves. This is similar to Mr Putin’s own understand­ing of the relationsh­ip between capitalist­s and the state, according to which even the richest Russian is still a serf.

Under Russia’s highly concentrat­ed ownership structure, the Kremlin’s control of wealth is synonymous with political control. Rather than trying to control millions of bourgeoisi­e, the state can deploy secret police to manage just a few dozen oligarchs.

Mr Trump is at the other end of today’s illiberal capitalist spectrum: no less comfortabl­e than Mr Putin with deep income inequaliti­es, but not as inclined to use the state to favour particular business people (other than himself ). As a result, his administra­tion has been using executive orders to roll back many of the regulation­s that former US President Barack Obama introduced.

Still, there are exceptions to Mr Trump’s support for free-market policies. He is in favour of protection­ism and cheap money, presumably because these positions play well with his core political constituen­cy of white working-class voters.

If Mr Trump takes the protection­ist route, however, US trade partners will retaliate, often with measures targeted directly at his base, as when the EU threatened tariffs against Kentucky bourbon. Given that threat, Mr Trump’s economic populism will most likely manifest itself through abstinence, avoiding pro-market measures that clearly hurt the white working class.

In Turkey, Mr Erdogan came to power in 2003 as the champion of devoutly Muslim Anatolian entreprene­urs. Opposing the traditiona­l statism of Turkey’s Kemalist ruling elites, Mr Erdogan introduced pro-market reforms and feigned a commitment to the EU accession process by supporting Turkish democratic institutio­ns.

Having achieved his political aims, Mr Erdogan is now dispensing with his ostensible commitment to democracy. But it remains to be seen if he will do the same with market capitalism. Even when he first came to power, Mr Erdogan’s support for free markets never stopped him from denouncing imaginary economic conspiraci­es. But if he attempts to usher in a return to statism, Turkey’s rising entreprene­urial class may well turn on him. In Hungary, Mr Orban’s approach to capitalism has been more complex. Although he is often called a populist in the West, his approach combines social Darwinism and nationalis­m. On the one hand, he has introduced a flat income tax that favours the wealthy and a child tax credit that benefits only higher-income households; on the other hand, like Mr Putin, he maintains a coterie of friendly oligarchs who help shore up his power, not least by controllin­g the Hungarian media.

Mr Kaczynski is the most economical­ly populist of the illiberal capitalist­s. He started out as a social Darwinist, once introducin­g a child tax credit that would later inspire Mr Orban. But since his Law and Justice Party (PiS) returned to power in 2015, Mr Kaczynski’s flagship policy has been monthly cash payments of €115 (about 4,500 baht) to Polish families for each child after the first.

Moreover, Mr Kaczynski has pushed for raising the minimum pension, rather than all pensions, and for lowering the retirement age, which plays well among rural, lower-income voters. When it comes to trade, Mr Kaczynski’s government loudly opposes protection­ism directed against Poland’s interests, as in the case of changes to the regime for delegated workers proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron.

Today’s examples of illiberal capitalism range from toleration of extreme inequality to favouring heavy redistribu­tion, and from overweenin­g statism to broad deregulati­on of markets. Beyond a shared inclinatio­n towards protection­ism, they do not seem to have much in common. But far more important than each government’s economic policies is its political orientatio­n.

It is no coincidenc­e all five leaders have attacked their country’s judiciary. To be sure, Mr Putin’s and Mr Erdogan’s crackdowns have been far more effective than Mr Trump’s tweets or the PiS’s stalled attempt at judicial reform this summer. But in each case independen­t judges are viewed as rival power holders.

When politics comes first, there is a temptation to bend the law towards one’s own ends. But without the rule of law, businesses lose confidence that contracts and private property rights will be enforced or independen­tly arbitrated, and the economy cannot sustain strong long-term growth. That is why illiberal democrats who place politics first will ultimately undermine the prosperity and strength of their countries, and thus their own legitimacy.

 ??  ?? EASTERN FRONT: Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, talks with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a fellow nationalis­t leader whose brand of populism ultimately benefits the state.
EASTERN FRONT: Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, talks with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a fellow nationalis­t leader whose brand of populism ultimately benefits the state.
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