Bangkok Post


On the other end of the spectrum, we have the ones who don’t move a muscle. Whichever concert you go to, you can be sure to find many people who are emotionles­s robots. No matter what is going onstage, they are just standing still watching the show expression­less, although they could also be bobbing their heads back and forth, ever so slightly, to the music. Nothing fazes them, not the trippy visuals, the seizure-inducing light shows, the singer’s interactio­ns with the crowd, NOTHING. This is especially evident for opening bands and support acts (although one can make the argument that people didn’t pay to see them so they have no reason to be thrilled about it).

For robots, there could be many reasons why they are at the show. Perhaps they just aren’t hard-core fans but their boyfriend/girlfriend/friend decided to bring them along for the ride. Maybe they have nothing better to do after work and want to go out. Or quite simply, some of us just don’t like to sing or dance, but just enjoy the music with a drink in hand. Heck, we can understand why some of us buy tickets for the seating areas, despite how far the view can be from the stage! We can say that different people have different ways of expressing themselves but c’mon, we are at concert! Put yourself in your favourite artist’s shoes. You are performing to the best of your abilities and all you see are people standing without reaction. That must suck.

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