Bangkok Post

Keeper of the ocean


In my 17 years of dealing with stray dogs in Thailand’s Jomtien area, giving water, food and treats to up to 100 a day, having had over 200 dogs and 60 cats sterilised, giving shots if needed, [helping] many that were hurt, they never bite, and none has ever had rabies.

I find that a stray dog with water and food that is a pet and given treats is much safer to be around than a thirsty, hungry and scared dog. Now I have people (farang) telling me to stop, some yelling at me, as they drive by. I have asked Pattaya City Hall for over 14 years to have prisoners take in the strays, learn how to sterilise, bathe and train them. That will give both the prisoners and the dogs love, while the prisoners can learn a trade and make some money, so when they are released, the odds of getting a job and a meal will be in his favour. I have also asked Pattaya City Hall [for land to house them.]

That’s my story, I have given blood, sweat and tears to less fortunate humans and animals ... I’m turning 80 this April and still doing my best to make a difference for the better.


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