Bangkok Post

Let’s get serious


Re: “In need of road sense”, ( BP April 16).

Thais aren’t serious about road safety. We have the most fatal roads in the world, yet we let our drivers get away with chronic DUI and let our cops ignore their duty.

As a short-term remedy, we know that day in, day out, motorcycle­s are involved in about 75% of accidents, 49% of motorcycle drivers and pillion passengers wear no helmets, and 48% have no mandatory third party insurance. DUI is key in most accidents.

So, while we study what’s worked elsewhere, how about this, year-round: (a) if no helmet/insurance, mandatory 1,000 baht fine, to include 50% discount on the missing item; (b) breath analyser test required for all traffic stops, refusal to count as failing; (c) If DUI, mandatory week in jail, 5,000 baht fine, 40 hours working in emergency rooms during high accident periods, then 40 hours touring schools giving talks on dangers of reckless driving/DUI, with confiscati­on of vehicle until sentence is served; and (d) flying squads of deputised volunteers under the command of an authorised traffic cop to perform stops for cause (eg, erratic driving or no helmets). Fines, with receipts, to be split 50-50 between flying squad members and the cop’s precinct station.

Give drivers time to prepare, then hit them. Save your mercy for their victims. BURIN KANTABUTRA

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