Bangkok Post

Reuters reporters’ phones ‘searched without warrant’


YANGON: Police in Myanmar examined the mobile phones of two Reuters reporters accused of possessing secret documents without a search warrant after their arrests in December, an officer told a court on Monday, in what has become a landmark press freedom case.

Prosecutio­n witness Major Aung Kyaw San said police did not have a warrant to search the phones because the reporters were accused under the Official Secrets Act, which gave officers the power to make arrests and begin an investigat­ion without needing prior permission from a court.

That assertion was disputed by defence lawyer Khin Maung Zaw, who said after the hearing that only the arrests were allowed before seeking the approval of a judge. “This is not acceptable,” he said. “Regarding [obtaining] evidence, a warrant is needed.”

Lead prosecutor Kyaw Min Aung declined to comment.

Myanmar government spokesman Zaw Htay was not immediatel­y available for comment. Previously, he has declined to discuss details of the proceeding­s or the police investigat­ion, saying Myanmar’s courts were independen­t.

The court in Yangon has been holding hearings since January to decide whether Wa Lone, 32, and his Reuters colleague Kyaw Soe Oo, 28, will be charged under the colonial-era Official Secrets Act, which carries a maximum penalty of 14 years in prison.

Judge Ye Lwin last week accepted as evidence printed copies of documents that Major Aung Kyaw San, a police IT expert, said were found on the reporters’ phones. The documents included alleged confidenti­al government letters and plans for the developmen­t of an island off Myanmar’s west coast for tourism.

Defence lawyers had argued the documents should not be admitted as evidence because it was unclear who had access to the phones after the reporters’ arrests on Dec. 12, and that the prosecutio­n did not explain how the 21 documents were relevant to the case.

Some of the documents came from the Facebook Messenger app, the defence said, and it was not clear the reporters themselves had accessed them.

“We don’t know anything about the documents they said they found in our phones,” Wa Lone told reporters after Monday’s hearing. “The documents can be sent automatica­lly to Messenger.”

At the time of their arrests, the reporters had been working on an investigat­ion into the killing of 10 Rohingya Muslim men and boys in a village in western Myanmar’s Rakhine state. The killings took place during a military crackdown that United Nations agencies say sent nearly 700,000 people fleeing to Bangladesh.

The reporters have told relatives they were arrested almost immediatel­y after being handed some rolled up papers at a restaurant in northern Yangon by two policemen they had not met before, having been invited to meet the officers for dinner.

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