Bangkok Post

Using Japan’s ‘tamashii’ to translate the mind-body connection


How connected are your body and your consciousn­ess? When Michiteru Kitazaki, a professor of engineerin­g at Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan, recently posed this question in an email, he evoked an idea from Japanese culture known as tamashii, or the soul without a body.

Will it soon be possible, he wondered, to simulate the feeling of a spirit not attached to any particular physical form using virtual or augmented reality?

If so, a good place to start would be to figure out the minimal amount of body we need to feel a sense of self, especially in digital environmen­ts where more and more people may find themselves for work or play. It might be as little as a pair of hands and feet, report Kitazaki and a PhD student, Ryota Kondo.

In a paper published on Tuesday in Scientific Reports, they showed that animating virtual hands and feet alone is enough to make people feel their sense of body drift toward an invisible avatar. Their work fits into a corpus of research on illusory body ownership, which has challenged understand­ings of perception and contribute­d to therapies like treating pain for amputees who experience phantom limb. The original body ownership trick was the rubber-hand illusion. In the 1990s, researcher­s found that if they hid a person’s actual hand behind a partition, placed a rubber hand in view next to it and repeatedly tapped and stroked the real and fake hand in synchrony, the subject would soon eerily start to feel sensation in the rubber hand.

Today, technologi­sts working on virtual reality are using modern-day riffs on the rubber-hand illusion to understand how users will adjust when presented with digital bodies that do not match their own. Some researcher­s have suggested that having users digitally swap bodies with people of other races, genders, ages or abilities could reduce implicit bias, though this work has its limits.

And taking ownership of an invisible body in cyberspace or otherwise could also have positive applicatio­ns, like reducing social anxiety, Kitazaki said.

Using an Oculus Rift virtual reality headset and a motion sensor, Kitazaki’s team performed a series of experiment­s in which volunteers watched disembodie­d hands and feet move 2m in front of them in a virtual room. In one experiment, when the hands and feet mirrored the participan­ts’ own movements, people reported feeling as if the space between the appendages were their own bodies.

This demonstrat­es t he power of synchronis­ed actions and our brain’s ability to fill in missing informatio­n, said VS Ramachandr­an, a professor at the University of California, San Diego and rubber-hand illusion pioneer who did not participat­e in the new study. The “improbabil­ity of synchrony occurring by chance” overrides all other informatio­n, he said, even knowledge that an invisible body cannot be yours.

In another experiment, the scientists induced illusory ownership of an invisible body, then blacked out the headset display, effectivel­y blindfoldi­ng the subjects. The researcher­s then pulled them a random distance back and asked them to return to their original position, still virtually blindfolde­d. Consistent­ly, the participan­ts overshot their starting point, suggesting that their sense of body had drifted or “projected” forward, toward the transparen­t avatar.

Antonella Maselli, a researcher at the Santa Lucia Foundation, a neurologic­al rehabilita­tion hospital in Italy, noted that the subjects in the study did not show significan­t conscious responses to seeing their invisible avatars being cut by a knife or colliding with a table.

Rather than an example of illusory body ownership, she said, the drifting effect may be more related to out-of-body experience­s, in which people simply feel their bodies “displaced in space”. She added that the researcher­s might have found effects from the threats had they measured physiologi­cal responses, like changes in skin conductanc­e or brain activity.

Kitazaki replied that the exact difference between out-of-body experience­s and illusory body ownership is an open question, but agreed that future research should include such measuremen­ts.

Moving forward, he wants to investigat­e if it’s possible to get rid of even the virtual hands and feet in this study and see what it means, he said, to be totally “free from the current body”.

What does it mean to be totally free from the current body?

 ??  ?? An attendee uses an Oculus Go virtual reality headset during Facebook’s annual F8 developers conference in San Jose, California.
An attendee uses an Oculus Go virtual reality headset during Facebook’s annual F8 developers conference in San Jose, California.

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