Bangkok Post




Put some muscle behind the changes you want to see happen on the 5th; you will be pleased with the results you get. Spending time with someone you love is encouraged. Take better care of your health on the 6th and 7th. Physical fitness, proper diet and eliminatin­g emotional stress will trigger personal growth and changes that are long overdue. Taking a closer look at your relationsh­ips with others on the 8th and 9th will help you realize what needs to be done in order to achieve peace of mind. Let others do as they please on the 10th and 11th. Arguing will only waste time that you should be spending doing the things you enjoy doing most.


Refuse to let emotional issues take over on the 5th. Pour your energy into personal improvemen­ts that will lead to health benefits, not hazards. Bring about positive changes at home on the 6th and 7th. If you are happy with your domestic environmen­t, it will encourage you to look and do your very best. Talks will lead to decisions. Walk away from temptation and indulgence. Listen, ask questions and learn on the 8th and 9th; you will get the answers you are searching for. Acting on the advice offered will help you counter a negative situation. Love, partnershi­ps and making a commitment on the 10th and 11th will help to rectify any uncertaint­y you’ve been feeling.


A change to the way you handle your cash or the way you take care of legal or health issues on the 5th will make your life easier. Practice safety and secrecy when it comes to personal matters. Don’t let anyone take advantage of you on the 6th and 7th. Don’t feel you have to pay for others or bend over backward to keep the peace. Focus on yourself, not helping someone else. Set your goals on the 8th and 9th, and stick to it until you finish what you start. A joint venture should be avoided if money is involved. Offer time, not cash. Only make changes that are feasible on the 10th and 11th. Following someone else’s lead isn’t in your best interest.


Put in the hours on the 5th to reap the rewards and satisfacti­on of getting things done. Discipline and hard work will make you feel good, ease stress and give you something to celebrate. Don’t dwell on what you cannot do on the 6th and 7th. Focus on what you can achieve. Call in favors and you’ll get the help you need to bring about positive change. Don’t let your emotions get in the way on the 8th and 9th. If someone or something doesn’t go your way, it’s up to you to bring out the best in whatever situation you face. Take charge on the 10th and 11th. Your input and energy will motivate others to pitch in and help. Romance is highlighte­d.


Don’t feel the urgency to bring about change on the 5th just because someone else is doing so. Bide your time until you have sufficient facts and figures. Remember what’s happened in the past on the 6th and 7th before you decide to initiate change. Go over the costs involved, and consider how much physical and emotional energy it will take to reach your goal. An open discussion on the 8th and 9th will help you resolve some of the outstandin­g issues you have with someone you are concerned about. Offer diplomacy, love and compassion, not threats and criticism. Simplify your life on the 10th and 11th. Don’t do anything lavish. Moderation will be in your best interest.


You’ll have more fun on the 5th if you don’t try to make any personal changes. Take time to mull over what others are doing and to determine what you want to do next. Express your emotions on the 6th and 7th; you will discover you aren’t the only one who feels the way you do. Collaborat­e with like-minded people and you’ll achieve plenty. You’ll be inclined to help others on the 8th and 9th, but before you do, make sure that the requests are legitimate. Emotional manipulati­on is apparent if you are gullible. You’ll have better control over what happens on the 10th and 11th. Speak your mind and put your plans in motion. Romance and social events are favored.


Emotional matters should be looked at rationally on the 5th. Just because someone does something doesn’t mean you have to join in or agree. Make decisions that suit your needs. Look for opportunit­ies on the 6th and 7th that allow you to use your imaginatio­n and creative skills in order to get ahead. Don’t be afraid of change. Look at your options and make decisions based on what’s best for you. Not everyone will agree with what you want to do on the 8th and 9th, but those who love and respect you will honor your wishes and support your actions. Try something different on the 10th and 11th; you’ll expand your interests and make new friends.

LEO( JULY 23- AUG 22):

You don’t have to follow the crowd on the 5th in order to fit in. If you think someone is out of control or something is not feasible, speak up and voice your opinion. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Someone will play emotional mind games with you on the 6th and 7th. You must not let someone take advantage of your generosity. Offer suggestion­s, nothing more. Put more time and effort into personal matters on the 8th and 9th. Fixing up your surroundin­gs or finding better ways to save money or put your money to better use is favored. Keep life simple on the 10th and 11th. Don’t make promises you cannot keep or put up with indulgent behavior.

VIRGO( AUG 23- SEPT 22):

Set your sights on your goals on the 5th and follow through. You’ll learn a lot from someone who has more experience. What you discover will help you bring about positive changes to the way you do things. Focus on activities on the 6th and 7th that will help you build your strength and stamina. Set personal physical goals and pace yourself. Diet and exercise should be handled with intelligen­ce. A partnershi­p will play a role in the decisions you make on the 8th and 9th. Let your intuition guide you when dealing with friends, relatives or peers. Keep your thoughts to yourself on the 10th and 11th. Someone will overreact if you are too opinionate­d. Don’t share your plans or personal informatio­n.

LIB RA( SEPT 23- OCT 22):

Take care of your responsibi­lities on the 5th to avoid facing complaints. Knowing you have your chores out of the way will allow you the freedom to pamper yourself. Start a new fitness regimen on the 6th and 7th or sign up for an activity that will get you moving. Health and diet should be priorities. Emotional bribery will be difficult to sidestep on the 8th and 9th. Be prepared to say no to someone who tends to take advantage of you. Concentrat­e on doing the things that make you feel good about yourself. Lend a helping hand on the 10th and 11th; you will be offered the same generosity in return. Love and romance are on the rise.


Don’t be so hard on yourself on the 5th. If someone is giving you a hard time, walk away and do something you find enjoyable. The changes you make at home on the 6th and 7th will turn out better than you anticipate. Concentrat­e on the people and projects that make you feel good about your accomplish­ments. Talking to an older family friend on the 8th and 9th will help you understand your background better. The informatio­n revealed will surprise you. Travel delays and poor communicat­ion can be expected on the 10th and 11th. Accept the inevitable; you’ll find a way to make it work for you. Stick close to home and to the ones you love.


Look for ways to smooth things over on the 5th if someone has been pressuring you emotionall­y. Honesty will help you find a solution instead of facing a stalemate. Make up your mind on the 6th and 7th with regard to a relationsh­ip that has been inconsiste­nt and uncertain. Share your thoughts and make the changes necessary to move forward. Don’t expect too much from others on the 8th and 9th and you won’t be disappoint­ed. Plan your schedule carefully to ensure you’ll have time to take care of your responsibi­lities and to have some fun. Hold on to your cash on the 10th and 11th, even if someone is playing on your sympathy and pressuring you to spend.

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