Bangkok Post

Back To The Future cast reunites 33 years later


Great Scott! Here’s a cast reunion to take you “back”.

Back To The Future fans at Boston’s Fan Expo this weekend were treated to a blast from the past when a handful of the time-travelling comedy’s stars joined together for a reunion panel.

Lea Thompson, who played Marty McFly’s mother, posted a photo on Saturday with Michael J. Fox (Marty McFly), Thomas Wilson (bully Biff Tannen) and Christophe­r Lloyd (Dr Emmett Brown).

“Four old friends get back from the future,” she wrote.

According to a local news outlet, the conversati­on included McFly’s infamous red puffer vest (“It looked great but it was terrible to wear,” Fox said), Wilson’s experience playing a bully (he said his own mother cheered when George McFly punched his character), and the ever-present question with beloved classics: will there be a revival?

But writer Bob Gale has shut down sequel rumours for years, and it doesn’t look like things will change anytime soon. Fox referred to Gale as a “really great gatekeeper of the franchise”.

“Basically, I think America is saying, ‘Come on, they’ve wrecked every other franchise with bad sequels, why not this one?’” Wilson joked, when asked why rumours of a fourth film continue to swirl. “Come on, we would watch it until it sucks.”

Fox also posted a photo from the reunion with the caption “Back in 2018, even Biff made it.”

“This was special,” Lloyd added. Wilson captioned his photo, “Wow. This just happened.” (Sadly, he didn’t go with our idea: “What are you looking at, butthead?”)

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