Bangkok Post

Pay in crypto for passport, says Maduro


>> CARACAS: Venezuela on Friday created a migration police force and announced that passport issuance fees would be paid in the government-created petro cryptocurr­ency starting next month, amid a mass exodus sparked by a deep economic crisis in the oil-rich nation.

Vice-President Delcy Rodriguez did not provide an explanatio­n for the creation of the new force or give details about its structure. National Guard soldiers currently oversee border security.

“The migration police is born to tend to the 72 (ports of entry) that exist at borders, ports and airports,” Ms Rodriguez said in a speech carried on state television.

The Informatio­n Ministry did not reply to a request for details.

Some 2.6 million Venezuelan­s have fled the OPEC nation of 30 million, mostly to other parts of South America, according to the United Nations. Around 1.9 million have fled since 2015 as the crisis worsened under socialist President Nicolas Maduro.

Shortages of food, running water, power, and medicine are common in the country.

Mr Maduro says the emigration figures are inflated to make him look bad. He insists that no more than 600,000 Venezuelan­s have left in two years and that 90% regret doing so.

With Venezuela’s currency having depreciate­d more than 99% this year and the opposition-led Congress estimating annual inflation at 200,000%, thousands of impoverish­ed Venezuelan­s are emigrating by bus or foot every day.

Many leave via illegal border crossings along the chaotic, porous 2,200-kilometre border with neighbouri­ng Colombia, where almost one million Venezuelan immigrants live.

Ms Rodriguez said the fees for obtaining a passport as of next week would increase to 7,200 bolivars (3,800 baht) — roughly four times the monthly minimum wage. Fees are currently the equivalent of just a few US cents.

She added that Venezuela would then start charging for passports in the petro cryptocurr­ency on Nov 1.

“The price of a new passport will be 2 petros and (the price) of an extension will be 1 petro,” Ms Rodriguez said.

However, a recent report showed that the petro is not a functional financial instrument, raising questions about how Caracas hopes to implement its use.

 ??  ?? NEW CURRENCY: Nicolas Maduro speaks at the launch of the ‘Petro’ cryptocurr­ency.
NEW CURRENCY: Nicolas Maduro speaks at the launch of the ‘Petro’ cryptocurr­ency.

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