Bangkok Post

AIS, True avoid auction


Advanced Info Service Plc (AIS) and True Move informed the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) they would not participat­e in the 900-megahertz spectrum licence auction organised by the National Broadcasti­ng and Telecommun­ications Commission (NBTC) for Oct 20.

AIS said after careful considerat­ion of the auction terms, management is confident forgoing bidding would not affect its competitiv­e advantage as it has the most bandwidth in the industry, sufficient for future growth and upcoming 5G technology.

With roaming bandwidth from TOT, AIS has total spectrum of 120MHz (60MHzx2). Its 1800MHz licence yields the widest bandwidth at 40MHz (20MHzx2), enabling over 40 million.

AIS subscriber­s to benefit from data service with the highest efficiency according to technical standards. AIS said its current bandwidth aligns with the company’s strategic plan to prepare for 5G technology.

True Move also confirmed it believes it has sufficient bandwidth to meet customer demand over the next two years and will not join the auction.

Total Access Communicat­ion Plc (DTAC) said it welcomes the flexibilit­y provided by the NBTC to extend the submission timeline for 900MHz spectrum bid applicatio­ns to Oct 16, in the event there are no bid applicatio­ns by the original deadline of Oct 9.

DTAC plans to use the full amount of time to continue its feasibilit­y study. The study will be submitted to its board of directors for approval, as per DTAC’s internal process and governance procedures.

DTAC said it is confident all the necessary steps will be completed for the company to make a final decision by Oct 16, 2018.

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