Bangkok Post

Child abuse leaves ‘molecular scars’


Children subjected to abuse may carry the physical hallmark of that trauma in their cells, scientists said last week, in research that could help criminal investigat­ions probing historic mistreatme­nt.

The imprints may also shed light on whether or not trauma can be passed on between generation­s as has long been hypothesis­ed.

A team of researcher­s at the University of British Columbia examined the sperm cells of 34 adult men, some of whom had been victims of child abuse years earlier.

They found that the effects of the trauma were indelibly printed in 12 regions of the DNA of those men who had experience­d varying levels of emotional, physical or sexual abuse.

Scientists believe these alteration­s, known as methylatio­n, could one day be used by investigat­ors or courts to weigh allegation­s of child abuse.

“If you think of genes as being like light bulbs, DNA methylatio­n is like a dimmer switch that controls how strong each light is — which in turn can influence how cells function,” Nicole Gladish, a PhD candidate in the university’s Department of Medical Genetics, said. “This informatio­n can potentiall­y provide additional informatio­n about how childhood abuse affects long-term physical and mental health.”

The experiment is one of a growing number of trials looking into what turns genes “on and off” at different periods of human developmen­t, a field of study known as epigenetic­s.

Once thought as entirely pre-programmed from conception, some genes are now known to be activated or deactivate­d by environmen­tal factors or an individual’s life experience.

Scientists involved in the study, published in the journal Translatio­nal Psychiatry, said they still did not know how methylatio­n affects a person’s long-term health.

In addition, due to the difficulty in extracting egg cells, the team don’t plan to replicate the experiment on women — statistica­lly far likelier to have been victims of child abuse than men.

Scientists said the degree of “dimming” in the DNA regions were surprising — one part of the genome of the men who were abused as children was 29% different to those who were not.

And, because the degree of methylatio­n changes over time, they were able to tell by looking at the men’s cells roughly when the abuse occurred.

“This might help the developmen­t of tests that could be used by healthcare workers or potentiall­y even as forensic evidence,” Gladish said.

Although researcher­s still have little idea whether or not the imprints of abuse contained within sperm cells would survive fertilisat­ion intact, lead author Andrea Roberts said the study “brings us at least one step closer” towards working out if trauma can be transmitte­d across generation­s.

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