Bangkok Post

RSV can be life-threatenin­g for babies


DEAR DOCTOR: I’ve been reading a lot lately about something called RSV, which acts like a cold but turns out to be way worse, especially in kids. What is it, and how is a parent supposed to know the difference?

DEAR READER: You’re referring to respirator­y syncytial virus, which is often shortened to its initials RSV. It’s both very common and quite contagious. In fact, most children will have had a case of it by age two.

The virus, which infects the respirator­y epithelium, the specialise­d layer of cells that line the nasal and lung passages, causes inflammati­on. You’re correct that the initial symptoms are just like those of a cold. Often, you’ll also see a noticeable drop in the child’s appetite, and he or she may run a fever as well. The symptoms come on slowly, appearing in stages. Parents report that first they’ll notice their child becoming increasing­ly fussy, and then gradually listless. As you pointed out in your question, this all lines up with the symptoms and onset of a typical cold.

The good news is that for most children, infection with RSV stays within the parameters of a bad cold. In those cases, the symptoms can be managed with overthe-counter medication­s like ibuprofen or acetaminop­hen to relieve pain and bring down the fever. During the week or two that it takes to recover from a typical bout with the virus, it’s also important to make sure the child stays hydrated.

But for some babies, particular­ly those younger than six months old, and those born prematurel­y, the virus can be life-threatenin­g. Also at heightened risk are babies and children with Down syndrome, people with suppressed immune systems and the elderly. For that reason, it’s vital to monitor RSV symptoms and act quickly if they escalate.

The danger arises from the degree of inflammati­on the virus causes in some individual­s, as well as the increase in mucus production. Both make it increasing­ly difficult to breathe. RSV can also lead to pneumonia and bronchioli­tis, an acute lower respirator­y infection. As soon as you realise that a case of RSV has moved into dangerous territory, it’s vital to see your primary care physician. Although there is no specific medication that targets the virus at this time, your doctor will know whether hospitalis­ation is the next necessary step. In the hospital, the medical staff can initiate interventi­ons to help with the patient’s breathing and hydration, as well as provide close monitoring of the progress of the virus. In the majority of cases, hospitalis­ation lasts only a day or two.

Up to one-third of all hospitalis­ations for respirator­y viruses each year in the US are due to severe cases of RSV — approximat­ely 57,000 children younger than five, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. All of which makes the recent announceme­nt from Canadian researcher­s that they have identified a promising antiviral compound to target RSV welcome news. It is said to be similarly effective against the mosquito-borne Zika virus, which is responsibl­e for severe defects in the unborn children of Dr Eve Glazier is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Dr Elizabeth Ko is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health.

 ?? FEATURES SYNDICATE UNIVERSAL ?? women who become infected while pregnant. The researcher­s say that drug developmen­t of this antiviral is now underway.
FEATURES SYNDICATE UNIVERSAL women who become infected while pregnant. The researcher­s say that drug developmen­t of this antiviral is now underway.

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