Bangkok Post

Granddad fed to classmates


LOS ANGELES: A high school student mixed her cremated grandfathe­r’s ashes into homemade sugar cookies and shared them with several classmates, police in Northern California said on Wednesday.

The student and a friend baked the cookies and shared them with at least nine classmates at their public charter high school near Sacramento on Oct 4, said Davis Police Lt Paul Doroshov. He said the Da Vinci Charter Academy students told some of their classmates that the cookies contained human ashes.

He said investigat­ors interviewe­d nine students who ate the cookies, and said there are other supporting details that make the allegation­s credible. Mr Doroshov said the students are unlikely to be charged with a crime, even if one can be found that would apply.

A classmate who told KCRA that he unknowingl­y took a bite of one of the sandy-textured cookie said he believes they contained human ashes. “She had mentioned her grandpa’s ashes before,’’ classmate Andy Knox said.

Mr Knox said the girl, who was not identified by authoritie­s, previously offered him some ashes if he swapped desks with another student in their class.

“I didn’t believe her until she pulled out the urn,’’ Mr Knox said. “She told me there’s a special ingredient in the cookie.’’

He said he became worried after tasting the cookie. “I thought that she put drugs in it,’’ he said. Mr Knox said the girl laughed and said the cookie contained her grandfathe­r’s ashes.

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