Bangkok Post

A mishmash


When a child in the Big Apple during the Great Depression, my parents set their hearts on my becoming either a doctor or a lawyer. They never forgave me for choosing to be a history professor. (“Don’t you know how little school teachers make?”) In the event I became a journalist. They weren’t wrong about the income, though.

While I love my work, I never lost my interest in history. I still enjoy reading histories and historical novels. For example I know a thing or three about the War of 1812, the Russian Revolution and the Spanish Civil War that’ll blow your socks off. That some authors write better than others goes without saying. Which doesn’t mean that I don’t read the lesser scriveners.

Brit Conn Iggulden is among my favourites. He pens series about Ancient Rome, the Mongol Invasion, the War of the Roses. Others have also. But Conn is best at bringing those times to life. He allows that he has a staff of experts engaged in research.

Having made a statue of Conn, I’ll now proceed to chip away the pedestal. I don’t consider his latest, Darien, up to par. The novel isn’t historical fiction but historical fantasy closer to science fiction. A field in which others excel.

The story is set in England at some indetermin­ate time. The Empire Of Salt is more a hamlet than an empire, with 12 families, ruled by a king. We are told that though there are rifles, the weapon of choice is the sword. No archery or spears.

Six strangers arrive, then a Roman legion. The king dies. Who will succeed him? There are references to a boy, Arthur. Does the author mean THE Arthur? Do the 12 families signify the future knights of the round table? Jesus is mentioned and the place has a witch.

Iggulden is in his element during the war. Fires burn much of it down; there is blade-wielding galore. A queen is selected as the new ruler. She orders one in 10 of the vanquished to be executed. The others are tossed into dungeons. Children are rescued. No romances. Unless I’m missing a point too subtle for me, Darien is a mishmash.

 ??  ?? Darien by C.F. Iggulden Penguin340­pp Available at Asia Books and leading bookshops 350 baht
Darien by C.F. Iggulden Penguin340­pp Available at Asia Books and leading bookshops 350 baht

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