Bangkok Post



Why ‘The Bodhi Shelter’?

I chose the name because the bodhi tree is a symbol for Buddhism. It is the tree Buddha received enlightenm­ent beneath. Since the shelter is within Buddhist temple grounds, I thought it was the perfect name as its branches stretch out, forming a shelter and the leaves are the shape of hearts. This job is done from the heart.

What made you want to establish a dog shelter?

I never intended to establish a shelter. I volunteere­d with the Soi Dog Foundation and at the government pound, but that came to an end when the then-chief of livestock was angered with me posting pictures on FB to ask for donations for the vet bills. I removed two dogs from the pound because they kept escaping to come with me and were being punished by the staff. After trying to unsuccessf­ully rehome the dogs, I asked the abbot at a local temple if I could house the dogs there. When the numbers grew, I asked if there was a room that could be turned into a clinic. The shelter now takes care of almost 150 dogs on temple grounds and many more in the surroundin­g community.

How do dogs reach the shelter?

Often dogs are abandoned at the temple; people bring dogs in or we find them in surroundin­g areas, often wounded and sick. We have also taken many of the worst cases from the pound. Many of our dogs have been abandoned by heartless owners, mostly of the expat community. A few of the dogs arrive extremely ill or severely injured, but they all receive veterinary care, even if it means the dog staying at the vet for four to six weeks for treatment. Our services are not limited to dogs alone, we also treat cats and other animals.

Has The Bodhi Shelter been successful with adoption?

Nor was adopted as a six-week-old pup but was abandoned because he would fret for his mother. Neighbours would put food out for him but other dogs would constantly attack him. I was asked to help. Catching him was impossible because he was terrified of everything. When we finally managed to catch him we noticed his jaw had been eaten away to the bone, most of his teeth had fallen out and he had a large maggot-filled wound on his chest and on his front paw. Thought we had given up hope, we took care of him for two months at the vet before bringing him to the shelter. He soon became used to my touch and I was able to put a leash on him. He even began answering to his name. The lady who had fed him since he was a pup said she would adopt him, where he is happy now. The thing that surprised me most is that the dogs who attacked him before now accepted him. It was at that moment I realised that dogs need to ‘belong’ to someone for someone to be on their side. Dogs need people.

What happens to the dogs that don’t get adopted?

We have quite a few ‘unadoptabl­e’ dogs, ones that no one would bother about. People only want the cutest, youngest and healthiest dogs. They remain at the shelter for the rest of their lives.

How do the dogs recover from their trauma?

Apart from veterinary treatment and medication­s/baths, etc, love is the most important aspect of healing. Letting the dogs know that they matter changes their prognosis drasticall­y.

Why should people adopt dogs from shelters?

There are so many amazing, beautiful dogs without homes who have never known comfort or love but who give the most when rescued because they truly appreciate it. Buying a dog from a pet shop guarantees you a dog bred in a place of misery. With hundreds of thousands of free dogs needing a home, why would you pay someone to breed more dogs?

What should people be aware of before adopting a dog?

A dog is forever. It is a family member and cannot be disposable of when you move or have a baby. It should not be abandoned when it needs veterinary treatment or when it’s old and blind. Dogs love us profoundly. We are their entire universe. Betraying a dog’s love is one of the cruelest acts.

The Bodhi Dog Rescue and Shelter is at Pakhlok Buddhist Temple, Phuket. Visit BodhiShelt­ to support, donate or to see a list of furballs you can adopt.

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