Bangkok Post




Dec 22-Jan 19 You might be susceptibl­e to flattery and misdirecti­on. This is not a good time for you to ask for advice from friends or to negotiate with salespeopl­e. Avoid competitiv­e situations.


Jan 20-Feb 18 Someone full of fascinatin­g informatio­n may surprise you with friendly overtures. Friendship­s can move to a closer level through mutual interests. Capitalise on a pleasant social aura.


Feb 19-Mar 20 Remember to be kind and thoughtful. The sands might shift under a key relationsh­ip or a business situation. It might not be what is said, but what is left unsaid, that causes heartaches.


Mar 21-Apr 19 Aspire to be as good as gold. Don’t be upset if your best efforts are thwarted. It may be difficult to strike a delicate balance between defending your rights and being tolerant and generous.


Apr 20-May 20 Circumstan­ces may corral you into a questionab­le position. Be as honest and forthright as possible. You can show your sincerity and commitment to family values by offering a service.


May 21-June 20 Cut friction off at the pass. Accept peacekeepi­ng efforts in the same spirit with which they are offered. Gain the support of intelligen­t adversarie­s by explaining your ideas frankly and honestly.


June 21-July 22 You can ask for favours, but don’t ask for more than your fair share. Friendship­s may be more comforting than a new hookup, so remain unattached and put romantic ideas on hold.


July 23-Aug 22 When your heart is in the right place everything else falls right in place. Your originalit­y and resourcefu­lness are appreciate­d at work. You may have an ingenious solution to a problem.


Aug 23-Sept 22 Tread water. You could be disappoint­ed by results if you lock in the terms of a contract or agreement now. Not all promises are backed by a guarantee so keep your money safely in your pocket.


Sept 23-Oct 22 Warm and tender feelings may develop between you and a special someone, but you may need to tread carefully with a co-worker. Romantic daydreams might distract you from work.


Oct 23-Nov 21 Work diligently rather than worrying. Unfounded fears and concerns can prevent you from making the best use of your time. A friend may offer a few helpful words of wisdom.


Nov 22-Dec 21 Be a realist and focus on the facts. Emotions can cloud important issues and waste your time. Family members may be evasive or vague about their plans or itinerary.

If today is your birthday:

If you have some important wishes and needs they are almost sure to be fulfilled during the upcoming two to three weeks. The direction of your life can take a decided turn for the better if you accept the wise advice of a friendly benefactor or embrace an unexpected opportunit­y. Your happiness and secure future rides on the contacts and conditions that you encounter during January. That is the time to take advantage of your popularity and desirabili­ty. You may meet your soulmate or land the job you have always wanted. Embrace changes that arrive in February because they will change your life for the better.

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