Bangkok Post

Huge dog abattoir shuts down


SEOUL: South Korean officials yesterday began to dismantle the country’s largest canine slaughterh­ouse complex, as animal rights activists push to end the custom of eating dog meat.

About one million dogs are eaten a year in South Korea, often as a summertime delicacy with the greasy red meat — invariably boiled for tenderness — believed to increase energy.

But the tradition has earned criticism abroad and has declined as the nation increasing­ly embraces the idea of dogs as pets instead of livestock, with eating them now something of a taboo among young South Koreans.

The Taepyeong-dong complex in Seongnam city, south of Seoul, housed at least six dog slaughterh­ouses that could hold several hundred animals at a time, and was a major source of meat for dog meat restaurant­s across the country.

It will be cleared over two days and transforme­d into a public park, Seongnam city officials said.

Animal rights campaigner­s slammed its operators for mistreatin­g dogs and killing them cruelly — including electrocut­ing them before butchering them in the sight of other caged dogs.

Activists found electrocut­ion equipment in the complex and a pile of dead dogs abandoned on the floor when they visited the site on Thursday, according to US animal rights group Humane Society Internatio­nal.

“This is a historic moment,” animal rights advocates said in a blog post. “It will open the door for more closures of dog meat slaughterh­ouses across the country, expediting the decline of the overall dog meat industry.”

According to a survey last year, 70% of South Koreans do not eat dogs, but far fewer — about 40% — believe the practice should be banned.

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