Bangkok Post

New Singapore opposition party launched as election looms large


>>SINGAPORE: A new opposition party backed by the estranged brother of Singapore’s prime minister was launched yesterday in what is seen as a fresh challenge to the government as speculatio­n mounts elections could be called soon.

The Progress Singapore Party (PSP) — aiming to contest an election due by 2021 but widely expected earlier — is led by Tan Cheng Bock, a medical doctor and former government stalwart who once ran for president and nearly defeated the establishm­ent candidate.

The group has received the support of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong’s brother, the latest sign of a bitter falling-out within the city-state’s first family over their father’s legacy.

The rare row within Singapore’s elite erupted following the 2015 death of the men’s father, founding leader Lee Kuan Yew, who led the country for three decades and is widely revered in the city.

Under decades of rule by his People’s Action Party (PAP), Singapore transforme­d from a gritty port into one of Asia’s most advanced economies — although authoritie­s also faced criticism for curtailing civil liberties.

Party officials said that Mr Tan’s PSP was formally launched in the morning at an event attended by hundreds of supporters. He was due to address hundreds more supporters and the media in the afternoon.

The group joins a handful of other parties seeking to take on the dominant PAP, but the opposition — which has just six out of 89 elected seats — is not viewed as a serious threat.

However, backing from the premier’s sibling, Lee Hsien Yang, could provide a boost to 79-tear-old Mr Tan, who has slammed what he described as eroding standards of governance in Singapore.

In January, 62-year-old business executive Mr Lee said in a Facebook post that Mr Tan was “the leader Singapore deserves”.

“I wholeheart­edly support the principles and values of the Progress Singapore Party. Today’s PAP is no longer the PAP of my father. It has lost its way,” he said in another post last week.

During a press conference last week, Mr Tan said he may be willing to take Mr Lee into the party formally.

Mr Lee’s associatio­n with the party can boost Mr Tan’s profile as “one of the ‘nice’ people to have represente­d the PAP during its glory days,” said Michael Barr, a Singapore politics specialist at Flinders University in Australia.

 ??  ?? READY FOR ACTION: Tan Cheng Bock, right, Secretary-General of the Progress Singapore Party, speaks at the party’s launch in Singapore yesterday.
READY FOR ACTION: Tan Cheng Bock, right, Secretary-General of the Progress Singapore Party, speaks at the party’s launch in Singapore yesterday.

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