Bangkok Post


Presidenti­al nominee hopeful not as ready as some Democrats to turn page on an era.

- By Kathleen Hennessey

Joe Biden came to the debate stage with stats and one-liners aimed at the feisty group of challenger­s. But the weapon he used the most was just two words: Barack Obama. On health care, immigratio­n, and civil rights, Mr Biden deflected blows from Democrats by invoking the policies and the popularity of the first black president. When it worked, Mr Biden argued forcefully for saving and improving on Obama’s signature policies on health care or climate change. At other times, Mr Biden risked appearing trapped in a past many in his party have moved beyond.

“It looks like one of us has learned the lessons of the past, and one of us hasn’t,’’ Julian Castro, Mr Obama’s housing and urban developmen­t secretary, said to Mr Biden in a memorable tussle over the Obama administra­tion’s deportatio­n of immigrants. Mr Biden declined to criticise Mr Obama’s immigratio­n policies. Mr Castro, tapping into many liberals’ deep frustratio­n on the issue, was eager. “What we need are politician­s that actually have some guts on this issue.’’

Such is the burden and the blessing of Mr Obama for Mr Biden. The former vice president owes his title and hi s front-runner status to the former

president. But it’s far from clear that running as an unwavering Obama loyalist is enough to inherit Mr Obama’s winning coalition of voters.

The base of the party has moved left since he moved out of the White House. As popular as Mr Obama remains with Democrats, many of the young people, women and progressiv­es who lined up for him are more than ready to turn the page. Mr Biden showed on Wednesday he’s not going to do it for them.

That is the tension that drove both nights of debates in Detroit between all 20 Democrats vying to take on President Donald Trump. On Tuesday, the fight was between purists — Sens Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders — and a cast of lesser-known pragmatist­s. Ms Warren and Mr Sanders both argued for big ideas and bold plans — “Medicare for All,’ free college — while others pushed for plans they claimed were better grounded in reality.

On Wednesday, it showed through as nearly every Democrat on stage targeted Mr Biden, the most prominent pragmatist there, piling on the attacks on his record and suggesting he should step aside for new ideas.

California Sen Kamala Harris hit Mr Biden for his health plan that preserves “Obamacare’’ and builds on it, arguing it didn’t go far enough and would leave millions uninsured. Both Mr Castro and New York Mayor Bill de Blasio pressed Mr Biden on deportatio­ns. When Mr Biden declined to discuss his counsel to Mr Obama on the matter, New Jersey Sen Cory Booker cried foul.

“Mr Vice President, you can’t have it both ways. You invoke President Obama more than anybody in this campaign. You can’t do it when it’s convenient and then dodge it when it’s not,’’ he said.

When Mr de Blasio asked Mr Biden about his role in police brutality and civil rights issues, a frustrated Mr Biden referred back to Mr Obama again.

“I find it fascinatin­g everybody is talking about how terrible I am on these issues,’’ Mr Biden said. “Barack Obama knew exactly who I was. He had 10 lawyers do a background check on everything about me on civil rights and civil liberties, and he chose me, and he said it was the best decision he made.’’

That argument has been working for Mr Biden with at least one key slice of the Democratic coalition. Polls show he has strong support among black voters, well ahead of Ms Harris and Mr Booker, the two black candidates in the race.

In South Carolina, where some two-thirds of the Democratic primary electorate is black, Mr Biden has the support of 51% of African American Democratic voters, according to a recent Monmouth University poll. Ms Harris landed at 12%.

But there may be limits for Mr Biden in relying on his associatio­n with Mr Obama. It’s not enough for some young voters, including the young black voters Mr Biden needs to push to the polls if he wants to avoid the fate of Hillary Clinton, another Obama loyalist.

“For a certain set of people, older black voters, Obama is golden. That’s all you need to hear,’’ said Branden Snyder, the 32-year-old executive director of Detroit Action, a group that organises people of colour. Mr Snyder noted Mr Obama campaigned for Mrs Clinton in Detroit, but the city still saw turnout drop and Michigan go for Mr Trump. For voters roughly 45 and younger, “We’ve seen this before.’’

“The promises that were made, by and large, weren’t met,’’ he said, citing immigratio­n and the uneven economic recovery that followed the housing crash. “We want the understand­ing of what will be different, of what your plan is.’’

Ms Harris and other Democrats have tried to lay their own claim to Mr Obama’s legacy. Ms Harris attacked Mr Biden on his career before Mr Obama, claiming the former president would not have sided with Mr Biden in his opposition to federally mandated busing to desegregat­e schools, or in his willingnes­s to work with segregatio­nist senators.

Mr Biden’s campaign says they have no concerns about his close alignment with the former president. On Thursday, he expressed bewilderme­nt at the beating Mr Obama’s legacy took.

“I hope the next debate we can talk about our answers to fix the things that Trump has broken, not how Barack Obama made all these mistakes,’’ Mr Biden said. “He didn’t. He didn’t.’’

Mr Biden’s resistance to the party’s leftward drift may help him win traction with other key pieces of Mr Obama’s winning coalition — white working-class and union voters who tend to be moderate on immigratio­n and economic issues.

That may help explain Mr Biden’s most notable split from Mr Obama — a break on trade policy. The former vice president declared on Wednesday he would not rejoin Mr Obama’s massive Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p trade deal as it was negotiated. He also suggested he would reject and renegotiat­e Mr Trump’s new version of the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Upon hearing that, Mr de Blasio showed clear surprise: “I consider that a victory,’’ he said.

The base of the party has moved left since he moved out of the White House.

 ??  ?? NO CLEAN BREAK: President Barack Obama listens to Vice President Joe Biden at the White House in December 2016. Mr Biden came to the debate stage armed with stats and one-liners aimed at the feisty group of challenger­s. But the weapon he used the most was just two words: Barack Obama.
NO CLEAN BREAK: President Barack Obama listens to Vice President Joe Biden at the White House in December 2016. Mr Biden came to the debate stage armed with stats and one-liners aimed at the feisty group of challenger­s. But the weapon he used the most was just two words: Barack Obama.

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