Bangkok Post



Perhaps a refresher course in basic history might help. The facts are the patriotic citizens of Hong Kong are protesting against the despotic rule of the Chinese Communist Party. Let’s state that more clearly: The Hong Kong protests are anti-communist; they are opposing leftist communism.

Whatever Joshua Wong’s politics might be, they are not communist. It is the Chinese Communist Party ruling with leftist zealotry from Beijing that is communist.

Nor is there any reason to think that Future Forward’s Thanathorn Juangroong­ruangkit is in any way sympatheti­c to communist ideology.

He is, on the contrary, very much a capitalist and is actively supporting the ideals of democracy, which directly contradict both the principles and the repressive methods of communism.

It is hard to understand how anyone could seriously assert that Mr Thanathorn or any other member of the Future Forward Party is even remotely aligned with the repressive, anti-democratic methods and aims of leftist communism.

Nor is it Mr Thanathorn or Future Forward who are cosying up to the communists in Beijing by doing deals to buy their submarines and so on. It is not the good people of Future Forward who advocate communist-style suppressio­n of free speech to keep the Thai citizens ignorant of important national affairs.

It is not Thailand’s pro-democracy advocates who want Thais trembling in fear before the state as mainland Chinese do before the oppressive communist state.

Felix Qui

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