Bangkok Post


‘Student informatio­n officers’ call out professors for ideologica­l lapses as Xi Jinping tightens his grip on society.

- By Javier C Hernandez in Chengdu, China

With a neon-red backpack and white Adidas shoes, he looks like any other undergradu­ate on the campus of Sichuan University in southweste­rn China.

But Peng Wei, a 21-year-old chemistry major, has a special mission: He is both student and spy.

Peng is one of a growing number of “student informatio­n officers” who keep tabs on their professors’ ideologica­l views. They are there to help root out teachers who show any sign of disloyalty to President Xi Jinping and the ruling Communist Party.

“It’s our duty to make sure that the learning environmen­t is pure,” Peng said, “and that professors are following the rules.”

In a throwback to the Mao Zedong era, Chinese universiti­es are deploying students as watchdogs against their teachers, part of a sweeping campaign by Xi to eliminate dissent and turn universiti­es into party stronghold­s.

The use of student informers has surged under Xi, China’s most powerful leader in decades, with hundreds of universiti­es now employing the practice, according to interviews with more than two dozen professors and students, as well as a review of public records.

“Everyone feels they are in danger,” said You Shengdong, a longtime economics professor at Xiamen University in eastern China. He was fired last year after students reported him for criticisin­g one of Xi’s favourite propaganda slogans.

“How do we make progress,” You asked, “how can we produce inventions in this environmen­t?”

Universiti­es are posting advertisem­ents recruiting students to spy on their teachers, with some aiming to have one in every classroom. It has created a chilling effect that some have compared to the ideologica­l purificati­on campaigns of the decade-long Cultural Revolution, in which radical students attacked Mao’s perceived enemies.

At a time when Xi is seeking to ward off supposed threats to social stability and to silence pockets of opposition to his authoritar­ian policies, students are increasing­ly playing a key role by monitoring how teachers view Xi, the party and ideas like democracy.

In exchange, they are promised rewards like scholarshi­ps, higher grades and advancemen­t within prestigiou­s Communist Party groups.

Professors and students described at least a dozen instances since early last year in which professors have been fired or punished after students filed reports against them.

A university in central China fired a professor after a student reported her for criticisin­g the eliminatio­n of presidenti­al term limits by Xi, a move that allows him to remain in office indefinite­ly. In Beijing, a university suspended a mathematic­s professor after a student complained that she had suggested Japanese students worked harder than their Chinese counterpar­ts.

“Teachers can be reported for anything,” said Tang Yun, a veteran literature professor at Chongqing Normal University in southweste­rn China.

Tang, 56, was speaking from experience. While teaching a class earlier this year, he criticised a popular, folksy phrase Xi uses often — “roll up your sleeves and work hard” — as coarse. A student complained, prompting officials at Chongqing Normal to strip him of his teaching credential­s and reassign him to the library.

Xi, who has sought a historical standing on a par with Mao, has borrowed from the latter’s playbook to restore the party’s place at the centre of everyday life in China, including higher education.

Education officials have fired dissident professors, banned some Western textbooks and ordered schools to start research centres devoted to Xi’s signature ideology, known as Xi Jinping Thought.

Some students take an expansive view of their mandate, keeping an eye not only on what professors say in class, but on their private lives, including tastes in books and movies, informers said in interviews.

Peng, the student informer at Sichuan University, said he also speaks regularly with other students to gather impression­s of teachers, including about their character, values and patriotism.

He rejected the idea that the rise of informers is hurting classroom debate. For too long, he said Chinese universiti­es have ignored the views of students. “Teachers need to listen to the concerns of students.”

At some schools, student informers are required to submit reports about their teachers to campus branches of the Communist Party, according to advertisem­ents for the positions.

Ankang University in northweste­rn China said in an online notice that student informers should formally report professors who spread superstiti­on, cults and pornograph­y, “promote Western political values”, and criticise the party’s tenets. School administra­tors, the notice says, should respond to each complaint within three working days.

At Xiantao Vocational College in central China, informers are expected to monitor for “behaviour or speech that violates the party’s line”. Xinyang Normal University in central China calls on student informers to report anything teachers say that “endangers national security” or “national unity”.

The Ministry of Education did not respond to a request for comment. It issued new ethics rules for teachers of all levels last year, saying they should not do anything to contradict the authority of the party. Under Xi, the party has also dispatched teams of officials to universiti­es with the aim of monitoring the ideologica­l views of teachers.

Professors say the use of student informers is creating a climate of fear in classrooms.

You, the economics professor who was fired from Xiamen University, said students reported him for questionin­g Xi’s trademark slogan, the “Chinese dream”, a vision of prosperity and strength for the nation. You said he told his students that dreams are “delusions and fantasies — not ideals”.

You, 71, who has since relocated to New York, said his students began referring to him as extreme and “anti-Communist”. His classroom was equipped with a video camera, which is standard at many Chinese universiti­es, and the authoritie­s warned that they could easily turn up evidence of inappropri­ate remarks.

The culture of political denunciati­on has permeated the campuses of even China’s most prestigiou­s universiti­es. At Tsinghua University in Beijing, Xi’s alma mater, Lü Jia, a professor of Marxism, was investigat­ed by the school’s administra­tors this year after students led an online campaign accusing him of speaking critically of China and socialism.

The students said they were inspired by a call by Xi in March to strengthen ideologica­l training and to prepare for a “national rejuvenati­on”.

They started an anonymous social media account where they published line-by-line criticisms of Lü’s lectures and criticised him for saying that Western civilisati­on was still predominan­t in the world while China’s civilisati­on was in decline.

Lü could not be reached and Tsinghua’s School of Marxism did not respond to requests for comment on the status of the investigat­ion.

At Chongqing Normal University, Tang, the literature professor, called the decision to bar him from teaching “pure ignorance of power.”

The school had accused Tang of harming China’s reputation and forced him to apologise.

After the school stripped him of his teaching credential­s, he wrote a social media post saying he did not blame his students and that “not all of them are Judas”.

“I leave today, clothed in shame,” Tang wrote. “But tomorrow I will certainly return garlanded with laurels.”

“It’s our duty to make sure that the learning environmen­t is pure and that professors are following the rules”


Sichuan University undergradu­ate

 ??  ?? ABOVE RIGHT Students walk past a patriotic monument at Chongqing Capital Normal University in Chongqing, China.
ABOVE RIGHT Students walk past a patriotic monument at Chongqing Capital Normal University in Chongqing, China.
 ??  ?? RIGHT You Shengdong, a longtime economics professor at Xiamen University in eastern China, was fired last year after students reported him for questionin­g President Xi Jinping’s trademark slogan, the “Chinese dream, a vision of prosperity and strength for the nation”.
RIGHT You Shengdong, a longtime economics professor at Xiamen University in eastern China, was fired last year after students reported him for questionin­g President Xi Jinping’s trademark slogan, the “Chinese dream, a vision of prosperity and strength for the nation”.

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