Bangkok Post

Rebound of catalogues seems in the works

Younger shoppers are more interested


PORTLAND, MAINE: Catalogues, those glossy paper-and-ink offerings of outdoor apparel, kitchenwar­e and fruit baskets, are not yet headed for the recycling bin of history.

Until recently, the future appeared grim for the mailbox-stuffers. A one-two punch of postal rate increases and the Great Recession had sharply cut their numbers. Common wisdom had everything retail-related moving online.

But a catalogue-industry rebound appears in the works, fueled in part by what might seem an unlikely group: younger shoppers who find it’s sometimes easier, more satisfying and even nostalgic, flipping pages rather than clicking links.

Industry experts say that all those catalogues crammed into mailboxes this holiday season are a sign that mailings have stabilised — and may be growing — after a decline of about 40% since the Great Recession.

New companies are mailing catalogues. And even died-in-the-wool online retailers like and Bonobos are getting into the act.

“They’re tapping out on what they’re able to do digitally,” said Tim Curtis, president of CohereOne, a direct marketing agency in California. “They’ve got to find some new way to drive traffic to their websites.”

Catalogue retailers slashed mailings, and some abandoned catalogues altogether, after a major US Postal Service rate increase and the start of the recession in late 2007.

Catalogue numbers dropped from about 19 billion in 2016 to an estimated 11.5 billion in 2018, according to the American Catalogue Mailers

Associatio­n (ACMA).

“The industry still faces challenges, but there’s reason for some optimism,’’ said Hamilton Davison, president of the mailers associatio­n.

Millennial­s who are nostalgic for vinyl records and all things vintage are thumbing through catalogues and dog-earing the pages.

It’s a new demographi­c roughly from 22 to 38 that’s helping to breathe some new life into the sector, industry officials say.

In fact, millennial­s are more likely than baby boomers to visit a store based on mailings, according to the US Postal

Service inspector general.

Sarah Johnson says she loves flipping through catalogues at her convenienc­e — but gets her hackles up when retailers fill her e-mail inbox.

“Promotion e-mails drive me crazy,” said Johnson, 29, of Vernal, Utah. “When there’s a catalogue lying on the table, it feels like it’s my choice to pick it up and flip through it. When it arrives in my inbox it feels like it’s imposing on me.”

Angela Hamann, another millennial, says she prefers catalogues because it’s easier than scrolling through webpages to evaluate a retailer’s offering.

“It’s a great way to assess what a company has to offer without making a bunch of clicks,” said Hamann, 37, of New Gloucester, Maine.

During the downturn, catalogue retailers reduced the size of the catalogues, slashed the number of pages and became selective about their mailings, said Jim Gibbs from The Dingley Press, in Lisbon, Maine, which prints and mails about 330 million catalogues a year.

But catalogues never died off, as some began predicting during the dotcom bubble.

“Catalogue naysayers didn’t understand that a webpage is useless unless shoppers know about it, and catalogues are an important tool for driving customers online,’’ Gibbs said.

“These days, retailers like Amazon, Wayfair and Walmart are boosting their mailings, helping to offset companies that abandoned catalogues, and dozens of smaller companies are also getting into the act,’’ ACMA’s Davison said.

“There’s also a trend toward postcard fliers being mailed by companies like Shutterfly,’’ CohereOne’s Curtis added.

“The tactile feel of catalogues creates a more meaningful connection,’’ he said. “Consumers, meanwhile, routinely delete emails or skim over online promotions without a second thought.’’

For some, there’s no escaping the sentimenta­l aspect.

In Austin, Texas, tech company worker Mike Trimborn described himself as a “nearly 100% online shopper” who sees catalogues as an “exercise in futility.”

But he waxed nostalgic when he received a toy catalogue from Amazon in the mail this holiday season.

Trimborn, 42, said his sons, ages nine and 11, marked up the Amazon catalogue just like he marked up the big Sears catalogue as a kid.

“It was such a fun experience when I was a kid. To be able to give that to my kids was a surprise,” he said.

 ?? AP ?? This file photo shows a selection of holiday season catalogues.
AP This file photo shows a selection of holiday season catalogues.

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