Bangkok Post




Dec 22-Jan 19 The ends do not always justify the means. Don’t let an overly familiar attitude creep into your workplace relationsh­ips. You can be innovative and resourcefu­l when you are engaged in anything creative.


Jan 20-Feb 18 Work hard to make your family happy and secure. Your idealistic nature may extend to wanting your possession­s to reflect your values. Spend your hard-earned dollars on things that will withstand the test of time.


Feb 19-Mar 20 Do what you want to do, but remain reasonable and think through consequenc­es. You have control of your own destiny and can spend your precious earnings any way you wish, but you might be more reckless and impulsive than usual.


Mar 21-Apr 19 A list of pros and cons can help you clarify the wisest choice. Giving in to an urge to stir up excitement might have unexpected results. Don’t make irrevocabl­e decisions that could result in awkward moments.


Apr 20-May 20 It’s easier to think about ways to use your money than to go out and spend it. A potential romantic relationsh­ip might not get off the ground because the other person may think of you only in the friend zone.


May 21-June 20 There could be a fly in the ointment. Small problems can be annoying and mildly disruptive, but you can take them in stride. Things are seldom perfect, but this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy life or still attain your goals.


June 21-July 22 Understand the facts. Your love life could be troubled if you hold on to unrealisti­c expectatio­ns. Just because a romantic partner seems somewhat distant or preoccupie­d doesn’t mean aren’t truly loved and appreciate­d.


July 23-Aug 22 Get on with it. You may be daunted and bored by routine tasks and think it’s time to make a change. There is no reason to abandon a project to begin a new one unless you’re positive there is no other choice.


Aug 23-Sept 22 Happiness can’t be bought with a credit card, so don’t let wishful thinking influence your spending habits. Hold off on making major expenditur­es since you might regret it if you spend more than you should.


Sept 23-Oct 22 There is no reason to set off firecracke­rs to get attention. Someone might not really get your wildest fantasies or whimsical ideas, so it might be best to maintain a low profile and put a damper on wishful thinking.


Oct 23-Nov 21 Apply yourself to the business at hand. You might be more at ease in group meetings than one-on-one. Avoid getting sidetracke­d by dreams of grandeur or worrying that your partner is unfeeling about your needs.


Nov 22-Dec 21 Your decisions are right on target, but it may be necessary to wait for the results you want. Even if progress isn’t apparent right now, you are still ultimately moving toward your goals.

If today is your birthday:

Your business sense is pitch perfect this week, but you could be overly competitiv­e and forget some people skills. You might get your own way, but as the next three to four weeks pass by, you will frequently receive reminders that you must depend upon the goodwill of others to get ahead. April is a good time to reassess financial structures and to forge forward with anything that is important to your physical well-being. Begin an exercise plan or initiate a diet. Take on no new obligation­s voluntaril­y and be sure not to offend people in September, when your good luck could be at low tide. Your fortitude might be tested; extra responsibi­lities could entail overtime, or your free time could be stretched thin. An opportunit­y that will improve your life could appear in October, so keep eyes open for a new job, a promotion or a helpful adviser.

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