Bangkok Post

A good putter is a match for anyone


The putter, driver and wedge are the most important clubs in your bag but the putter may be the most important of the lot.

The reasoning here is that you hit the driver probably 14 times in an ordinary round but on the same day you may have 23-24 putts that are outside the gimme range but within makeable distance.

A five-foot putt counts one stroke, the same as a long straight drive, but the putt may be much more significan­t to your score.

Psychologi­cally, the driver is very important. If you hit your tee shots well, it will fill you with confidence.

On the other hand, if you hit a couple of bad drives, your confidence will be shaken.

But nothing is more important psychologi­cally than knocking putts into the hole.

Holing those putts makes your confidence soar and can devastate opponents. A good putter is a match for anyone. A bad putter is a match for no one. The rough and trees are full of long drivers.

You must move with the shot, however, most golfers are righteye dominant and some are so right-eye dominant that they sometimes fail to use the left eye properly during the swing.

To swing with power, especially with the driver, you have to get behind the ball, shifting your weight to the right side as you swing the club back.

As the body rotates during the back swing, the head moves a little laterally away from the target.

Here’s the problem with golfers who are overly concerned with keeping their eye on the ball and the head down.

They often restrict the body turn and limit, or even reverse the weight shift, because of an over reliance to keep the head still.

The rotation of your head facilitate­s the rotation of your neck, which facilitate­s the rotation of your shoulders and gets the upper body more turned and behind the ball.

If you have a problem with a reverse pivot or getting behind the ball, practice hitting balls with your right eye closed. Focus on allowing your head to move as your body turns.

It may be a little difficult at first, but the benefit will be better motion back and through.

Out of Bounds: Never tell your golfing problems to anyone as, according to a survey, 20 percent don’t care, and the other 80 percent are glad you have them.

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