Bangkok Post

Trump, Modi raise populist volume

- Mihir Sharma Mihir Sharma is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist.

For decades, the relationsh­ip between the world’s two largest democracie­s, the United States and India, has been held together by two things: hope, and shared values. Hope that India’s rise will not be too long delayed, and that the US will welcome it as a responsibl­e great power that helps maintain the global liberal order — because of the values both countries profess to share. This is supposed to be what ties the two together.

But Donald Trump’s visit to India has revealed those foundation­al assumption­s are beginning to look outdated. The cricket stadium where he and Narendra

Modi addressed a joint rally in Ahmedabad was plastered with photos of the two of them, alongside text that read: “Two strong nations, one great friendship”. Perhaps the reference was to Indo-US ties; but, in fact, it reduced that complex relationsh­ip to the cameraread­y camaraderi­e between the two leaders.

The joint statement that ended the visit revealed how that relationsh­ip is not living up to its potential. Most of it was taken up by a reiteratio­n of shared security interests. These are, indeed, considerab­le. Yet military co-operation has simply not moved forward at the pace that either side would want. In some sectors, it has moved backward — for example, thanks to India’s insistence that it buy Russian air defence missiles that would make some inter-operabilit­y with US forces difficult if not impossible.

Meanwhile, a reduction in the friction over trade and investment still looks remote. The joint statement merely said that the leaders agreed “ongoing negotiatio­ns” would “promptly conclude”. Other than two populists’ shared love for headline-grabbing photos, there isn’t much holding the Indo-US relationsh­ip together.

And even those photograph­s, of Donald and Melania Trump holding hands with Mr Modi, were not the images that defined the past few days in India. The presidenti­al visit was overshadow­ed within India by a flare-up of violence in New Delhi, the epicentre of peaceful protests against a series of antiMuslim moves taken by Mr Modi’s government after it won re-election last year. At least 11 people, including a policeman, were killed in clashes. Videos and pictures of apparent police brutality have gone viral; in one, prone and injured anti-government protesters being manhandled by cops in riot gear are forced to sing the national anthem while sounds of beatings are heard. Another showed a group of Hindu men beating a Muslim man with sticks.

This followed repeated incitement­s of violence against the protesters by local politician­s from Mr Modi’s party. One senior leader, while standing next to a top Delhi cop last week, warned him that unless the police “cleared the streets”, then party activists would. Some protesters also, undoubtedl­y, turned violent. But it is quite clearly the anti-Muslim mobs that are being enabled by state machinery. As Indian Twitter trended calls for an economic boycott of “jihadists”, reporters in Delhi told of mobs burning Muslim-owned businesses and homes as the police stood by and “offered no reaction”.

Delhi, the site of peaceful protests for months, saw a sudden upsurge of violence the moment the American president arrived. But that is certainly not because the US is in any way relevant to this internal debate. The sad truth is that those protesting India’s drift toward authoritar­ianism and populism know nothing can be expected from Mr Trump’s America. Not even moral support. The president himself, when asked at a press conference, showed what side he was on: “I will say that the prime minister was incredible and he told me that he wants people to have religious freedom. He told me that in India they have worked very hard to have great and open religious freedom.” This is an astounding statement from a US president in a city wracked by state-supported riots targeting religious minorities.

Perhaps there are indeed shared values between Mr Modi’s “new India” and Mr Trump’s America — just not the sort that would produce a forwardloo­king alliance to underpin the global liberal order.


The presidenti­al visit was overshadow­ed by violence.

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