Bangkok Post

Senate fails to clip Trump war powers


WASHINGTON: The US Senate on Thursday failed to override President Donald Trump’s veto of a bipartisan measure that would have limited his power to attack Iran.

Lawmakers voted 49-44 to support the resolution that passed Congress earlier this year, short of the two-thirds majority necessary to override the president’s veto of what he called a “very insulting” effort to curb his powers.

That bipartisan resolution said the president cannot commit US forces to hostilitie­s against Iran or any part of its government or military without explicit authorizat­ion from Congress.

The measure stemmed from fears among both Mr Trump’s Republican­s and Democrats that the White House was at risk of stumbling into war with the country.

Mr Trump has preached the need for a drawdown of American military entangleme­nts abroad, but has ramped up an increasing­ly hostile relationsh­ip with Iran.

His administra­tion has imposed crippling economic sanctions on Tehran.

In January, Mr Trump ordered a drone strike that killed Iran’s most powerful general, Qassem Soleimani, at the Baghdad airport.

The assassinat­ion inflamed tensions between the two countries.

Soleimani was widely seen as the architect of Iran’s destabilis­ing activities around the world, but Democrats and experts condemned the decision to kill him as disproport­ionate and provocativ­e. Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell stood by the president.

“We must maintain the measure of deterrence we restored with the decisive strike on Soleimani,” McConnell said before the vote. “That starts today with upholding the president’s rightful veto of a misguided war powers resolution.”

Senate Democrat Tim Kaine said Trump has a “fundamenta­l misunderst­anding” of the congressio­nal mandate on matters of war.

“We’re not required to play ‘mother may I’ with the president,” Mr Kaine said. “We have our own independen­t responsibi­lities that we swear to uphold.”

This is the second time Mr Trump has vetoed congressio­nal restrictio­ns on his military initiative­s.

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