Bangkok Post




Dec 22-Jan 19 Keep the checkbook safely closed and credit cards in your wallet. This is not a favourable time to make business or financial decisions. You may be tempted to squander a recent bonus.


Jan 20-Feb 18 You might be frustrated by circumstan­ces or feel that your hands are tied. This can be considered a good thing since your inertia might prevent you from making an irrevocabl­e mistake.


Feb 19-Mar 20 Dig deep to find the good judgment and ethics that will keep you out of harm’s way when there is a difference of opinion. Don’t feud with people who feed off dissension.


Mar 21-Apr 19 You can accomplish a great deal if you focus on the job at hand and don’t become distracted by new opportunit­ies. Some of those offers might have unpleasant strings attached.


Apr 20-May 20 It’s time to get back in the saddle. Duties, deadlines and obligation­s could temporaril­y interfere with your personal life and put a pause on your romantic plans for the evening.


May 21-June 20 Take your time and do things right the first time. If you hurry things along just to finish a task quickly, you could end up wasting much more time performing revisions and correcting mistakes.


June 21-July 22 Deal with thorny problems first to get them out of the way. Then you can concentrat­e on easier things. Loved ones might focus on abiding by the rules and prefer that their surroundin­gs be neat and orderly.


July 23-Aug 22 The smallest errors can sometimes cause the biggest problems. Be sure that you have dotted all the I’s and crossed all the T’s before submitting a project. Perform due diligence to ensure that facts are correct.


Aug 23-Sept 22 It’s not always immediatel­y clear which is the high road and which is the low road. You might encounter a crossroads that has no sign to tell you which way to go. Ask a friend to help you make a choice.


Sept 23-Oct 22 Exercise self-discipline to get through the day and you will feel good about yourself. Temporary enjoyment can be ultimately overshadow­ed by subsequent regret. A partner may offer encouragem­ent.


Oct 23-Nov 21 You can try to straddle a fine line, but eventually you will be forced to choose one side or the other. It may be difficult to deal with people who are politicall­y polarized or highly opinionate­d.


Nov 22-Dec 21 You might take pride in being carefree, but don’t become careless about key details. You might appreciate support from friends, but they may tell you things you may not be ready to hear.

If today is your birthday:

You likely have your finger on the pulse of profitable business cycles during the next four to six weeks, when you can easily understand what might be a worthy investment of your time and energy. Lay the groundwork for future success by forming new connection­s with influentia­l people. Lay low in December, when people in charge may be critical of your performanc­e, and don’t initiate new business plans or changes. Past mistakes could return to stir up problems, so act responsibl­y. New friendship­s can be formed through networking and group activities in January, when you can gain traction because of who you know instead of what you know. Make a practical assessment of your finances and resources while you are blessed with a worldly and wise outlook.

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