Bangkok Post

Mitsubishi to bring Aleph beef to Japan


Mitsubishi Corp agreed yesterday to partner with Israel’s Aleph Farms Ltd to lay the groundwork for bringing lab-grown beef to Japan, where demand for meat is growing.

“The two companies will work on tailoring Aleph’s beef — grown in vats from muscle cells of living animals — to the tastes and nuances of Japanese consumers and regulatory bodies,’’ Aleph’s chief executive Didier Toubia said in an interview from his office in Rehovot, Israel.

“They will then use Mitsubishi’s manufactur­ing capabiliti­es to scale up production and distributi­on,’’ he said.

Aleph, whose investors include American food giant Cargill Inc, plans to sell its initial batch of labgrown meat to consumers in Asia next year, with Japan being “high on the list” of target countries, according to Toubia.

Toubia declined to provide further details about the companies’ arrangemen­t or plans to obtain regulatory approval.

“Mitsubishi wants to examine the potential of the biomeat market by becoming an insider in the industry,’’ a company spokesman said.

The partnershi­p reflects the recent strides made by the socalled cultivated meat industry, which arose mainly in response to animal rights and environmen­tal concerns.

Aleph is among some 60 startups jockeying to sell meat or poultry that bypass the abattoir and modern, industrial-scale farming, and countries are starting to open pathways to consumers.

Tokyo-based Mitsubishi, which had $15.6 billion in food sales in the 12 months through March, is tapping an industry that’s expected to grow.

The cell-based meat market is projected to reach $140 billion in the next decade, according to forecasts compiled by Blue Horizon Corp, which invests in alternativ­e proteins.

That’s still nowhere near the size of the meat industry, which was $1.3 trillion last year, according to Global Data.

High production costs and consumer skepticism over taste and health implicatio­ns are among the biggest barriers to accelerate­d growth.

Government­s must also be convinced. Last month, Singapore became the first nation to approve the sale of cultured meat. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is supportive of the sector — he visited an Aleph factory last month and tried its cultivated steak as part of his initiative to promote the country’s startups in the sector.

Still, Aleph isn’t rushing its product to market, and is particular­ly mindful of the specific preference­s of the Japanese market, famed for its Wagyu beef.

“We might be the third or fourth company to release a product, but that’s because we’re focused on consumer acceptance,” Toubia said. “They have high expectatio­ns for their meat, and we want to get it right.”

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