Bangkok Post

Globally ineffectiv­e


The recent military coup in Myanmar demonstrat­es just how ineffectiv­e internatio­nal bodies are to violence perpetrate­d by a country’s own armed forces.

Media statements are to the effect that it is wrong, abhorrent and disgusting but apparently nothing can be done to stop it.

Asean has once again proved to be a failure when it comes to actually doing anything more than mildly rebuke a fellow member and the UN has again shown its inability to halt slaughter of innocent civilians in Myanmar by men in uniform.

Formed at that most unique moment in history when the Western powers were allied with both Russia and China against a common enemy, the friendship took only a couple of years to disintegra­te and took with it any hope of an assembly with the chance to intervene around the world to stop needless violence against civilians.

That any one of the five permanent member countries can veto a resolution leaves no hope of anything meaningful getting done as they will object just to stymie their enemy.

Getting back to the recent slaughter of Myanmar citizens, in a recent comment the Chinese ambassador to the UN made the unbelievab­le quote that “All parties should exercise utmost calm and restraint, we don’t want to see instabilit­y, even chaos in Myanmar”.

Considerin­g what is happening on a daily basis, someone needs to remind this gentleman that stability has long ago disappeare­d and chaos is the result. The sheer stupidity of this statement makes it quite obvious another serious internatio­nal body is needed with a clear vision, decent intentions and a proper moral and ethical stance if we are ever going to halt the genocidal intentions of armies with war weapons. LUNGSTIB

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