Bangkok Post

Troops to leave Afghanista­n by 9/11

Biden acts as Turkey declares peace talks


President Joe Biden will withdraw all US troops from Afghanista­n before this year’s 20th anniversar­y of the Sept 11 attacks, finally ending America’s longest war despite mounting fears of a Taliban victory, officials said Tuesday.

The drawdown delays only by around five months an agreement with the Taliban by former president Donald Trump to pull troops, amid a growing consensus in Washington that little more can be achieved.

The decision came as Turkey announced an internatio­nal peace conference on Afghanista­n in hopes of reaching an agreement that brings stability to a nation battered by nearly 40 years of war. But the Taliban, newly emboldened, said they would boycott the conference.

Mr Biden, who made the announceme­nt yesterday, had earlier mused about keeping a residual force to strike at al-Qaeda or an emergent Islamic State extremist threat or making withdrawal contingent on progress on the ground or in slow-moving peace talks.

In the end, he decided to do neither and will order a complete withdrawal other than limited US personnel to guard the US installati­ons including the imposing embassy in Kabul, a senior official said.

“The president has judged that a conditions-based approach, which has been the approach of the past two decades, is a recipe for staying in Afghanista­n forever,” the official told reporters on condition of anonymity.

Under the Trump administra­tion’s February 2020 deal with the Taliban, all US troops would leave by May 2021 in return for the insurgents’ promise not to back al-Qaeda and other foreign extremists — the original reason for the 2001 invasion.

The Biden official said the withdrawal would begin in May and that the delay was largely logistical, with troops possibly out of Afghanista­n well before Sept 11.

The official warned the Taliban — who are observing a truce with US but not with Afghan forces — not to strike coalition forces as they leave, saying that in response to any attack “we will hit back hard”.

Fighting will likely grind on. A threat assessment report published on Tuesday by the director of national intelligen­ce said the Taliban “is confident it can achieve military victory”.

While in control of cities, Afghan forces “have struggled to hold recaptured territory or re-establish a presence in areas abandoned in 2020”, it said.

Afghan civilians have long paid a disproport­ionate price in the fighting and the rise of the Taliban has raised particular fears among many Afghan women.

The Taliban, who enforce an austere brand of Sunni Islam, banned women from school, offices, music and most of daily life during their 1996-2001 rule over much of Afghanista­n. Two decades later, 40% of schoolchil­dren are girls.

The Biden official said the United States would use non-military “tools at our disposal” to promote women’s rights including bolstering civilian assistance.

But Afghan women have been largely shut out of talks between the Taliban and Kabul on a lasting peace deal in the country, with activists arguing this could compromise their fragile, hard-won rights going forward.

Mr Biden’s decision came as Turkey announced the dates of a US-backed peace conference that would bring together the Afghan government, the Taliban and internatio­nal partners.

The April 24-May 4 conference will aim to lead to “a roadmap to a future political settlement and an end to the conflict”, the Turkish foreign ministry said in a statement.

But Mohammad Naeem, spokesman for the Taliban office in Qatar, said the insurgents will not participat­e in any conference on Afghanista­n’s future

“until all foreign forces completely withdraw from our homeland.”

Many observers believe that the Taliban think they have already effectivel­y won and can wait out the US withdrawal, as little progress has come out of on-off talks in Qatar.

In a sign of the wide internatio­nal concerns, diplomats said that all of Afghanista­n’s neighbours had been invited to take part including Iran and China, which both have tense relations with the United States.

Also in attendance would be both Pakistan, the Taliban’s historic supporter, along with its rival India, a staunch ally of the Kabul government which has strongly backed the US presence.

 ?? AFP ?? In this file photo, US marines patrol past a Danish army Leopard 2A5EK tank as they clear Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) from a main route in Trikh Nawar on the northeaste­rn outskirts of Marjah, Afghanista­n, on Feb 21, 2010.
AFP In this file photo, US marines patrol past a Danish army Leopard 2A5EK tank as they clear Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) from a main route in Trikh Nawar on the northeaste­rn outskirts of Marjah, Afghanista­n, on Feb 21, 2010.

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