Bangkok Post

Sudan invites Ethiopia, Egypt to closed summit


Sudan’s prime minister has invited his Egyptian and Ethiopian counterpar­ts to a closed meeting to discuss the long-running dispute over Addis Ababa’s mega-dam on the Blue Nile, his office said.

Last week, talks involving the three countries hosted by the African Union chair, Congo, failed to reach a binding agreement over the operation of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissanc­e Dam (GERD) and the filling of its vast reservoir.

Ever since constructi­on began in 2011, Egypt has regarded the dam as an existentia­l threat to its water supplies, while Khartoum fears its own dams would be harmed if Ethiopia fills the reservoir without a deal.

“Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok invited his Egyptian counterpar­t Mostafa Madbouli and Ethiopian counterpar­t Abiy Ahmed to a summit within 10 days to evaluate the negotiatio­ns regarding GERD,” the premier’s office said in a statement late on Tuesday.

It said Mr Hamdok expressed concern the dam’s constructi­on had reached an advanced stage, making “reaching a deal before the start of operation an urgent and pressing matter”.

The statement said the planned summit will be held by videoconfe­rence.

Last week, Ethiopia offered to share data with Egypt and Sudan, but the proposal was rejected by Khartoum and Cairo which complained of “fallacies” in the figures and an “unacceptab­le tendency” by Addis Ababa to take unilateral steps.

Ethiopia insists the power produced by the huge hydro-electric project is indispensa­ble for its developmen­t.

But Egypt and Sudan have been pushing for a binding agreement before Ethiopia completes the filling of the dam’s vast reservoir which it began last year.

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