Bangkok Post

Three opposition activists held after Machado rally


CARACAS: Three Venezuelan activists have been arrested after participat­ing in a campaign rally with opposition leader Maria Corina Machado, her party said on Sunday, adding to growing concern over a crackdown on dissent by President Nicolas Maduro’s government ahead of the July 28 election.

Ambar Marquez and Victor Castillo, members of Ms Machado’s campaign team in the state of Portuguesa, were arrested on Sunday, a day after opposition activist Oscar Castaneda was also detained — without comment from authoritie­s.

All three had spoken at a rally led by Ms Machado in Portuguesa on Saturday, and add to a growing list of opposition activists detained this year.

Mr Castaneda and Mr Castillo are activists with Ms Machado’s Vente Venezuela party, while Ms Marquez was with the Primero Justicia (PJ) party.

“The regime has once again shown its oppressive and violent nature by kidnapping 3 activists from Portuguesa state,” PJ said in a post on X, referring to Mr Maduro’s government.

“That makes three members arrested in the last 24 hours,” wrote Vente Venezuela on X.

Ms Machado won an opposition primary last year but has been banned from standing in the general election by courts loyal to Mr Maduro, who is seeking a third six-year term.

Another candidate — the littleknow­n diplomat Edmundo Gonzalez Urrutia — has been nominated in Ms Machado’s place, but she has continued to campaign as the opposition’s popular figurehead.

Ms Machado has repeatedly denounced an alleged crackdown on opponents of Mr Maduro, despite a deal he made with opposition leaders last year to hold free elections.

That agreement saw an easing of US sanctions on Venezuela, but Washington has since announced it will reimpose them, citing the Maduro government’s continued repression of opponents.

Prior to the weekend’s arrests, seven opposition activists have been detained since January on conspiracy charges, while six others have taken refuge in the Argentine ambassador’s residence.

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