Daily Sabah (Turkey)


The Rohingya are being murdered and driven out of their ancestral villages because they are considered foreigners who do not belong

- SALMAN SAYYID * * Professor in Rhetoric, University of Leeds

On April 19, 1943, the Warsaw ghetto uprising started as an attempt to resist the deportatio­ns of the remaining residents of the ghetto to concentrat­ion camps. The revolt of around 750 fighters armed with a handful of guns and homemade bombs lasted barely a month. After it was crushed, the Germans razed the whole ghetto to the ground, and later all its inhabitant­s were sent to the death camps. In their willingnes­s to establish a moral equivalenc­e between the violence of a powerful oppressor and the (even hopeless) resistance to that oppression, neo-Nazis would argue that the Warsaw ghetto uprising justified the Holocaust.

On Aug. 25, according to Burmese authoritie­s, hundreds of Rohingya armed with sticks, homemade explosives and a few guns attacked several police posts. In ensuing battles, 12 Burmese security officers and dozens of Rohingya were killed. The government in Rangoon used this incident to launch another bout of statedirec­ted mass killings of the Rohingya, asserting that they were fighting internatio­nal terrorism. Reports and commentary that causally establishe­d a causal link between the Rohingya resistance and the Burmese government’s oppression have become complicit with the Burmese authoritie­s’ supported ethnic cleansing.

The persecutio­n of the Rohingya has been ongoing for decades. The Rohingya have had their citizenshi­p rights taken away; in segregatio­nist moves they have been refused entry to dozens of villages around the country, they have suffered severe travel restrictio­ns, access to places of worship have been blocked, they have faced restrictio­ns to marry, and they have had very limited access to education or health care. They are subject to brutal treatment, including extrajudic­ial killings, rape, torture, arson and mass displaceme­nt.

The Burmese leader, Nobel Peace Laureate and democracy icon, Aung San Suu Kyi, has done more than remain silent; she has actively endorsed these atrocities by dismissing them as “fake news.” It is not only the use of this term, made famous by Trump, which connects Aung San Suu Kyi to the man who brought us the “Muslim Ban.” There is an ideologica­l affinity.

In 2011, Andres Breivik killed 70 Norwegian Socialists. He justified his act of mass murder as being part of a crusade against an unholy trinity of “Marxists, Multicultu­ralists and Muslims.” Thus, Breivik’s white supremacis­t beliefs were expressed not through racism and anti-Semitism but also through his Islamophob­ia, a view that accorded with many alt-right groups. What has become clear since then is that Islamophob­ia is no longer confined to extreme right-wing groups; it is now global.

Islamophob­ia cannot be simply a set of negative attitudes towards Muslim minorities. Its significan­ce lies in the way it has become the means of shaping a global world order of privilege and cruelty. It is not by accident that Aung San Suu Kyi believes that the Rohingya are immigrants and terrorists. It is not an accident that India’s Narendra Modi met her recently in Rangoon, while her army was ethnically cleansing Rakhine, where the Rohingya have lived for centuries, and it is not an accident that Aung San Suu Kyi dismissed reports of murder, rape and torture against the Rohingya as fake news. The vocabulari­es of Aung San Suu Kyi, Modi and Trump are built from the language of Islamophob­ia.

It is the language being used by xenophobic nationalis­ts to cope with the crisis of nationalis­m and the project of the nation-state that reverberat­es throughout the globe. The very presence of Muslims has become a reminder of the impossibil­ity of achieving national salvation in a world that is too large for any country or any group to hold. The failure of the culminatio­n of nationalis­t fervor to deliver on projects of national redemption and revival is regarded as being thwarted by the very existence of Muslims. In an Islamophob­ic world, what else can Muslims be but barbaric outsiders threatenin­g civilizati­on with their mere existence?

The strengthen­ing of xenophobic authoritar­ianism is increasing­ly based on attempts to sub- jugate Muslims. Muslims, in these times, have become a signifier of trans-nationalis­m with a global reach. This claim of trans-nationalis­m is marked by a familiar litany of dual loyalties, foreignnes­s, cross-border affiliatio­ns and relations. Hence, the frequency in which Muslims appear as obstacles to the impossible fulfillmen­t of the nation state, as markers of globalizat­ion and hindrances to the harmonious workings of a homogeneou­s society. Anxieties produced by globalizat­ion and the transforma­tions in the world system under the rules of neo-liberal logics are displaced onto the persistent existence of Muslims, currently the largest global diaspora as they that cannot be fully contained in any nation-state, in any exclusive ethnicity or racial subjectivi­ty.

Islamophob­ia has become the antidote that seeks to counteract foreign and contaminat­ing substances in the body of the nation. Muslims are a metaphor for the ultimate inability to completely enclose the demos within an ethnos.

Genocide as a state policy of deliberate mass killings often occurs in the intersecti­on between the nation and groups that allegedly disrupt it by transcendi­ng the limits of the nation. As a result of geo-political fissures, all major powers in the world have presently substantia­l Muslims minorities that become entangled in the current trend to ethno-nationalis­m and the confusion between citizenshi­p and ethnicity. They are regarded as the main obstacle to the accomplish­ment of the longed-for ethnically pure nation state.

The Rohingya are being murdered and driven out of their ancestral villages because they are considered to be foreigners, those who do not belong. In an Islamophob­ic world, Muslims belong nowhere. The emergence of a Muslim identity on a global scale has become transgress­ive of an order based on national divisions; it has become transgress­ive of movements towards cultural homogeniza­tion, and it has become transgress­ive of Enlightenm­ent teleology.

Islamophob­ia is not simply the hostility to Muslims, but rather, it is the glue that holds together a coalition that prevents a more pluralisti­c world from developing. Hence, the ethnic cleansing of the Rohingya is not just an attack on a far away and small persecuted minority. What is being attacked in the jungles of Burma is the very possibilit­y of another kind of world.

 ??  ?? Newly arrived Rohingya wait for their turn to collect shelter building material, distribute­d by aid agencies in the Kutupalong refugee camp, Bangladesh, Sept. 13.
Newly arrived Rohingya wait for their turn to collect shelter building material, distribute­d by aid agencies in the Kutupalong refugee camp, Bangladesh, Sept. 13.

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