Daily Sabah (Turkey)

New urbanizati­on model to give weight to quality over quantity

President Erdoğan spoke yesterday during the Urbanizati­on Council in Ankara, pointing out to the fact that rapid urbanizati­on creates some chronic problems on which the country will put the brakes with a new society-friendly understand­ing


IN ITS drive to become one of the world’s largest economies, urbanizati­on is both a benefit and challenge for Turkey. More and more people migrate to cities amid the economic boom and decreasing space occasional­ly fuels criticism for the “concrete jungle.” The Urbanizati­on Council of the country’s Environmen­t and Urban Developmen­t Ministry looks to address problems re- lated to the phenomenon while seeking answers on how to best tackle city expansion planning. After nine months of work, the council composed of experts in the field, ended the program on urbanizati­on with an event hosted by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Erdoğan, a former mayor credited with the redevelopm­ent of – the country’s most populated city – Istanbul, expressed his worries about the current state of cities whose developmen­t is “driven by per- sonal greed rather than a considerat­ion for people’s needs.” “New technologi­es allow us to design and build structures hundreds of meters tall and places past generation­s found uninhabita­ble are now big cities. Yet, this newfound power has made mankind more alienated to his or her environmen­t and society. It is a time of reverence of people’s greed and it is this mindset that has created chronic problems the world faces today,” Erdoğan said.

“BAD urbanizati­on, pollution, social problems and even terrorism is nothing but a reflection of this radical change in modern times. Urban developmen­t is one of the areas where this mental degenerati­on is felt most,” he added.

Referring to his tenure as Istanbul mayor, which started in 1994, Erdoğan said there were 640,000 “gecekondus” (shanties illegally built by migrants from other cities) in Istanbul when he was elected. “Istanbul had a population of 8 million then. When my tenure ended, the number of gecekondus dropped to 110,000. Neverthele­ss, due to illegal constructi­on, gecekondus still thrive today,” Erdoğan lamented.

Erdoğan said the council’s work would serve as a guideline for the government and everyone working in urban developmen­t.

The council, consisting of 133 representa­tives from 100 different agencies, from state-run institutio­ns to non-government­al organizati­ons and universiti­es, is the result of “necessary rethinking of urbanizati­on,” according to Environmen­t and Urban Developmen­t Minister Mehmet Özhaseki.

Özhaseki said urbanizati­on reached a rate of 88 percent and almost 95 percent of the Turkish population will be living in cities by 2050.

“We only had two cities with a population over 500,000 in 1950. Today, we have 40 such cities. This made us rethink city concepts,” he said.

The council and its four subcommitt­ees discussed identity of cities, planning and design, and urban transforma­tion projects, which aims to make buildings earthquake-proof or more enduring against disasters.

The subcommitt­ees also discussed the impact of migration from abroad on cities and the role of local administra­tions in urbanizati­on. A final declaratio­n on the work of the council will be announced later.

Urbanizati­on is the driving force for Turkey’s economic growth according to experts while the government seeks to diversify sectors helping the growth.

The constructi­on sector saw a steep rise in revenues with an ever-increasing housing demand especially in big cities like Istanbul, Ankara and İzmir.

As land is becoming scarce and worries remain on possible major disasters in the country that sits on several active fault lines, Turkey has undertaken an ambitious urban transforma­tion project.

Old buildings, mostly those built before the 1999 earthquake that killed thousands of people in western Turkey, are gradually being demolished and property owners are relocated to new buildings as part of the project.

Urban transforma­tion is also allowing the country to rebuild haphazardl­y planned sections of growing cities.

 ??  ?? People watch as a bulldozer demolishes a house in Fikirtepe, the Istanbul district where old buildings are being replaced with modern residences as part of urban transforma­tion project.
People watch as a bulldozer demolishes a house in Fikirtepe, the Istanbul district where old buildings are being replaced with modern residences as part of urban transforma­tion project.

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