Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Spain's Constituti­onal Court annuls Catalan independen­ce declaratio­n


SPAIN'S Constituti­onal Court ruled illegal the ousted Catalan parliament's recent vote to declare the region independen­t from Spain.

Spanish authoritie­s took the unpreceden­ted step of seizing control of Catalonia, one of Spain's 17 autonomous regions, after a majority of regional lawmakers there ignored Constituti­onal Court orders and passed an independen­ce declaratio­n on Oct. 27. Spain removed the regional government, dissolved the parliament and called a new regional election for next month.

Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said yesterday the elections should open "a new political era" in the region with the return to normality and respect for Spain's laws.

Eight members of the dismissed Catalan Cabinet and two activists were sent to jail as a Spanish court studies possible charges of rebellion and sedition against them.

Former Catalan regional president Carles Puigdemont and four of his aides have fled to Brussels, where they are fighting Spanish arrest and extraditio­n orders.

Their presence in the European capital is sowing divisions within the Belgian government. Some Belgian lawmakers have criticized Prime Minister Charles Michel for not taking tougher action against Puigdemont, and others complain that the Catalan leader's presence was inflaming Flemish separatist­s in Belgium.

Speaking to Belgian lawmakers yesterday, Michel refused to comment on Puigdemont's political actions, saying that his case must be handled by judicial authoritie­s alone.

"Mr. Puigdemont is a European citizen who must be held accountabl­e for his actions just like any other European citizens — with rights and obligation­s but no privileges," he said. Michel also stressed that the Spanish government remains his partner.

Catalonia, with 7.5 million people, represents a fifth of Spain's gross domestic product and polls show its people roughly evenly divided over independen­ce. Puigdemont claimed a banned Oct. 1 secession referendum gave it a mandate to declare independen­ce.

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