Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Mongolian herders face heavy losses in harsh ‘Dzud’ winter


EXTREME cold and heavy snowfall in Mongolia have resulted in significan­t economic losses for herders, with over 1.5 million herd animals perishing this winter, as reported by the country’s State Emergency Commission.

Mongolians call the snow and ice disasters that repeatedly hit the country during winter “Dzud.” The weather phenomenon means that livestock can no longer find food because the ground is frozen or the pastures are covered in masses of snow.

The losses are often particular­ly high if it has been a dry summer, during which the animals could not build up sufficient fat reserves for the winter.

The United Nations has already warned of the situation.

Livestock farming is an integral part of the Mongolian economy, culture and way of life, according to a U.N. report published a fortnight ago. The herders are now struggling with a shortage of feed and skyrocketi­ng feed prices.

According to estimates, there are around 64 million herd animals in Mongolia. This is the second “Dzud” winter in a row for the country.

Following his Sunday Angelus prayer in front of pilgrims and the faithful in St. Peter’s Square in Rome, Pope Francis expressed his closeness to the people of Mongolia affected by the cold snap.

“This extreme phenomenon is also a sign of climate change and its effects,” said the head of the Catholic Church. The “climate crisis” is a global social problem that particular­ly impacts the most vulnerable. Francis visited Mongolia, which has a very small Catholic community, in September last year.

 ?? ?? From February to April, Kazakh nomads in western Mongolia migrate across the Altai Mountains due to weather.
From February to April, Kazakh nomads in western Mongolia migrate across the Altai Mountains due to weather.

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