Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Kremlin cool as Macron shocks West by touting troops for Ukraine


FRENCH President Emmanuel Macron sent shockwaves across Europe yesterday after suggesting everything, including sending ground troops, was on the table in Ukraine’s fight against Russia.

Macron had hosted a conference of European leaders Monday – just over two years to the day after Russia invaded Ukraine – seeking to rally greater support for Kyiv, which faces increasing battlefiel­d challenges and dwindling munition stocks.

He painted a grim picture of Russia under President Vladimir Putin, arguing there had been a “change of posture” even in the last months that had seen a hardening of its stance both domestical­ly and in Ukraine.

“Nothing can be excluded to pursue our objective: Russia cannot and must not win this war,” Macron said after the conference gathering leaders including German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Polish President Andrzej Duda that ended with a midnight press conference.

While there was “no consensus” on the sending of Western ground troops to Ukraine, “nothing should be excluded. We will do whatever it takes to ensure that Russia cannot win this war,” Macron added.

Kremlin spokespers­on Dmitry Peskov offered a muted initial reaction yesterday, saying that sending Western troops to Ukraine was “absolutely not in the interests of these countries, they should be aware of this.”


Macron had refused to say more about France’s position, citing the need for “strategic ambiguity” but saying the issue was mentioned, “among the options.”

“We are convinced that the defeat of Russia is indispensa­ble to security and stability in Europe,” Macron said.

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, accused by critics of being too cozy with Moscow, said after the meeting that there was disunity on the issue at the meeting.

“There are countries that are ready to send their own soldiers to Ukraine, there are countries that say never – Slovakia is among them – and there are countries that say that this proposal should be considered,” he said.

Prime Minister Ulf Kristersso­n of Sweden, which is set to join NATO, poured initial cold water on the idea, saying “it’s not on the cards at all for the moment.”

“For the moment, we’re busy sending advanced (military) equipment to Ukraine,” Kristersso­n said.

Macron was criticized at home by the party leader of the far-right National Rally Jordan Bardella who accused the president of “losing his cool” by raising “the specter of a committing of our troops against a nuclear power.”

But French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal yesterday reaffirmed Macron’s comments, saying “you can’t rule anything out in a war.”


In his initial reaction, Kremlin spokespers­on Dmitry Peskov said yesterday sending troops to Ukraine was not in the interests of Western countries.

“This is absolutely not in the interests of these countries, they should be aware of this,” Peskov said after being asked about Macron’s statement, adding that many countries “are keeping a fairly sober assessment of the potential dangers of such actions.”

“The very fact that the possibilit­y of sending some contingent­s from NATO countries to Ukraine is being discussed is a very important new element,” he said.

He noted that the Kremlin was “well aware of Mr. Macron’s position on the need to inflict a strategic defeat on Russia.”

Asked if the appearance of NATO troops in Ukraine would lead to a direct confrontat­ion between the alliance and Russia, Peskov said: “In this case, we need to speak not about a possibilit­y but of the inevitabil­ity” of confrontat­ion.

“And these countries need ... to ask themselves if (confrontat­ion) is in their interests and, mainly if it’s in the interests of the citizens,” he said.

 ?? ?? French President Emmanuel Macron speaks at a news conference, Paris, France, Feb. 26, 2024.
French President Emmanuel Macron speaks at a news conference, Paris, France, Feb. 26, 2024.

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