Daily Sabah (Turkey)

This ‘protest’ will burn Biden

Biden should back the Israelis advocating for a two-state solution without alienating other American supporters of Israel

- Hakkı Öcal

I DON’T want to step on toes, but here is my prediction: The ice-creamgorgi­ng, holier-than-thou Zionist Joe Biden cannot become a peacemaker for the Palestinia­n people and will not be able to exude the aura of an able statesman worthy of running the U.S. The more he supports Netanyahu in his massacres of Palestinia­ns, the more he alienates the educated urban America. He needs their vote against Donald Trump, the likely candidate of the Republican­s. Unless an act of God through the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court prevents Trump from being a presidenti­al candidate, his only opponent Nikki Haley, in all likelihood, won’t be able to be a viable candidate.

On Super Tuesday, a large proportion of U.S. voters will go to the primary polls and elect the candidate they would like to see on their party’s ticket. It is called Super Tuesday because very large states, with enough votes to determine the results in the November election, will declare their choice. After Super Tuesday, usually, no primary in the remaining states can alter the winners.

If we look at the choice of the people so far, we can see that Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic candidate. If Nikki Haley wins the majority in five states tomorrow and the remaining primaries before the GOP convention, she might be a viable factor to affect the party platform and have issues dear to her heart – like the unconditio­nal U.S. support for NATO – included in it. But the GOP appears to be a Trump party already and the delegates at the party convention might prefer not to “bind Trump’s hands” with publishing platform documents. They didn’t in the 2020 convention. Besides, even if Haley succeeds in having her program inserted into a party document, Trump will not feel bound to it. He hadn’t felt any limitation­s with the U.S. Constituti­on regarding the election results in 2020; he clearly would not have any respect for party platform documents after 2025. If he gets elected – I have to correct myself here – when he gets elected, he will not respect any legal agreement the U.S. has with allies and friends. This time, he’ll take revenge on the disdain the world leaders and people displayed during his impeachmen­t trials and other legal problems.

But Trump is not the problem here: Biden is.

Trump is doing his best to win as a bull in a china shop; Biden is also doing his best to lose the election and allow that bull into the shop.

Idon’t want to step on toes, but here is my prediction: The ice-cream-gorging, holier-than-thou Zionist Joe Biden cannot become a peacemaker for the Palestinia­n people and will not be able to exude the aura of an able statesman worthy of running the U.S. The more he supports Netanyahu in his massacres of Palestinia­ns, the more he alienates the educated urban America. He needs their vote against Donald Trump, the likely candidate of the Republican­s. Unless an act of God through the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court prevents Trump from being a presidenti­al candidate, his only opponent Nikki Haley, in all likelihood, won’t be able to be a viable candidate.

On Super Tuesday, a large proportion of U.S. voters will go to the primary polls and elect the candidate they would like to see on their party’s ticket. It is called Super Tuesday because very large states, with enough votes to determine the results in the November election, will declare their choice. After Super Tuesday, usually, no primary in the remaining states can alter the winners.

If we look at the choice of the people so far, we can see that Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic candidate. If Nikki Haley wins majority in five states tomorrow and remaining primaries before the GOP convention, she might be a viable factor to affect the party platform and have issues dear to her heart – like the unconditio­nal U.S. support for NATO – included in it. But the GOP appears to be a Trump party already and the delegates at the party convention might prefer not to “bind Trump’s hands” with publishing platform documents. They didn’t in the 2020 convention. Besides, even if Haley succeeds in having her program inserted into a party

document, Trump will not feel bound to it. He hadn’t felt any limitation­s with the U.S. Constituti­on regarding the election results in 2020; he clearly would not have any respect for party platform documents after 2025. If he gets elected – I have to correct myself here – when he gets elected, he will not respect any legal agreement the U.S. has with allies and friends. This time, he’ll take revenge on the disdain the world leaders and people displayed during his impeachmen­t trials and other legal problems.

But Trump is not the problem here: Biden is.

Trump is doing his best to win as a bull in a china shop; Biden is also doing his best to lose the election and allow that bull into the shop. The Palestinia­n people are facing probably the final phase of the genocide committed against them by Israel, and Biden weighed in on Israel’s war while enjoying an ice cream. He ordered mint chip ice cream, talked to other customers and then turned to reporters to answer their questions about the cease-fire in Gaza.

American people are increasing­ly anxious about being an accomplice in Netanyahu’s atrocities, aiding and abetting him by providing financial help to his death cabinet and ammunition, rockets and spare parts to his murderous air forces. The Democrats and intellectu­al GOP voters are very much aware of the situation: the Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ) is about to label their country as a collaborat­or and conspirato­r of humanity’s latest catastroph­e: the Palestinia­n genocide by Israel. The American people still carry the shame of their reluctance to join forces with Europeans during World War II, which probably could have prevented the death of 5 million people. As I pointed out before, if Jewish blood is on Roosevelt’s hands, Palestinia­n blood is on Biden’s.

Yes, as George Friedman, author of “The Storm Before the Calm” on the American crisis of the 2020s, says the American people changed and are not happy with the way their country’s role as the “Gendarmeri­e of the World” and the “instigator of the

endless wars.” One group of discontent­ed people still see the answer in “making America great again” (not in other lands, but within itself, here in the “Good Old US of A”: hence Trump’s xenophobia and supremacis­m). Another group, whose homes are not mobile, and their necks are not so red, sticking still with democratic values and internatio­nal commitment­s, saw the answer first in Hillary Clinton and later in Joe Biden. Their number are so low that the first time they lost; the second time they won with a close call. So close that Trump still claims he won that 2020 election too.

Now, those Americans who value the democratic norms and hate being an accomplice of Netanyahu, but still love their country enough to not hand it over to Trump, wanted to register their protest: they voted “uncommitte­d” for the last few Democratic primaries. That would bring their protest to Biden’s attention. They were hoping to have 10,000 “uncommitte­d” votes, for example, in the Democratic presidenti­al primary in Michigan

last week; but they have gotten 100,000 or so votes telling Biden that in November they are going to stay at home, and not vote for him; he will be left to face Trump all by himself. They are telling Biden that he is too supportive of Israel.

The number of people who are trying to make Biden remember who brought him to office is going to increase and Super Tuesday probably is not going to be so super after all because the protest flame ignited by a young U.S. Air Force personnel, Aaron Bushnell, is going to create a bigger fire. He not only sacrificed himself in that self-immolation, but he started a movement larger than himself.

Biden should change his stance as an ice-cream-gobbling, pro-Israel Zionist! He doesn’t have to alienate other Americans who support Israel, but he has simply to support the majority of Israeli people who still want to share those lands with Palestinia­ns in a two-state solution.

If not, Bushnell’s flames are going to burn Biden, too.

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 ?? ?? U.S. President Joe Biden enjoys ice cream just before making a speech about a cease-fire for Gaza amid Israel’s brutal war in Palestine, New York, U.S., Feb. 26, 2024.
U.S. President Joe Biden enjoys ice cream just before making a speech about a cease-fire for Gaza amid Israel’s brutal war in Palestine, New York, U.S., Feb. 26, 2024.

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