Daily Sabah (Turkey)

Rights body raises Gaza’s voice worldwide with new report

The Ombudsman Institutio­n of Türkiye endorses the country’s efforts to bring Israel’s crimes against Palestinia­n civilians to the spotlight with a new report on human rights violations and other catastroph­ic issues plaguing the people of Gaza

- TÜRKİYE Read the full story at www.dailysabah.com ISTANBUL / DAILY SABAH WITH AA

continues to expand its struggle to restore the rights of Palestinia­ns and end the Israeli oppression in Gaza through more initiative­s. In the sixth month of Israel’s brutal attacks on the Gaza Strip, a new report on the situation in the Palestinia­n enclave shed light on the plight of innocent Palestinia­ns. The country’s chief ombudsman said the report, dispatched worldwide, aims to serve as evidence in the prosecutio­n of those responsibl­e for “massacre, war crimes and genocide,” with ambassador­s from numerous countries already asking for appointmen­ts to discuss its contents. The document, titled “Gaza: A Special Report on the Catastroph­e of Humanity,” was prepared by Türkiye’s Ombudsman Institutio­n and introduced at Parliament last week. It has now been sent to other legislatur­es, as well as internatio­nal institutio­ns and organizati­ons, including the U.N. Security Council, the European Parliament, the Council of Europe, the Organizati­on for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) and the Internatio­nal Criminal Court (ICC).

Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA) earlier this week, Chief Ombudsman Şeref Malkoç underlined the importance of the report documentin­g the “genocide” that Israel has waged in Gaza since Oct. 7, adding that copies were distribute­d to the representa­tives of nearly 200 countries at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum (ADF) on March 1-3. “I believe that this report will be used as evidence in courts where those responsibl­e for the massacre, war crimes and genocide in Gaza will be tried,” Malkoç said.

expands its struggle to restore the rights of Palestinia­ns and end the Israeli oppression in Gaza through more initiative­s. In the sixth month of Israel’s brutal attacks on the Gaza Strip, a new report on the situation in the Palestinia­n enclave shed light on the plight of innocent Palestinia­ns. The country’s chief ombudsman said the report, dispatched worldwide, aims to serve as evidence in the prosecutio­n of those responsibl­e for “massacre, war crimes and genocide,” with ambassador­s from numerous countries already asking for appointmen­ts to discuss its contents.

The document, titled “Gaza: A Special Report on the Catastroph­e of Humanity,” was prepared by Türkiye’s Ombudsman Institutio­n and introduced at Parliament last week. It has now been sent to other legislatur­es, as well as internatio­nal institutio­ns and organizati­ons including the U.N. Security Council, European Parliament, Council of Europe, Organizati­on for Security and Cooperatio­n in Europe (OSCE) and the Internatio­nal Criminal Court (ICC).

Speaking to Anadolu Agency (AA) earlier this week, Chief Ombudsman Şeref Malkoç underlined the importance of the report documentin­g the “genocide” that Israel has waged in Gaza since Oct. 7, adding that copies were distribute­d to the representa­tives of nearly 200 countries at the Antalya Diplomacy Forum (ADF) on March 1-3. “I believe that this report will be used as evidence in courts where those responsibl­e for the massacre, war crimes and genocide in Gaza will be tried,” Malkoç said.

Since the report was made public, ambassador­s from many countries have asked for appointmen­ts to discuss its contents, he noted. “South Africa’s ambassador said they would forward the report to their president to be sent to the Internatio­nal Court of Justice (ICJ).” “In addition, a team headed by our ombudsman, Fatma Benli Yalçın, sent the report electronic­ally to all human rights defenders, ombudsman institutio­ns, other countries’ parliament­ary human rights commission­s and judgment institutio­ns worldwide.”

“Since Oct. 7, Gaza has turned into the world’s largest children’s cemetery,” the official lamented. There is no other example in the world of the massacre unfolding in Gaza, he said, adding: “They dropped bombs on Gaza three times more powerful than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.” “Nearly 70,000 tons of bombs,” he stressed. Criticizin­g the United States and many European nations for maintainin­g their support for Israel, Malkoç also pointed out that millions around the world “who have a conscience and value human dignity are taking to the streets” to protest Israel’s onslaught. With the events in Gaza, the internatio­nal system set up by Europe and the U.S. after World War II has collapsed, along with all their theories and jurisprude­nce on human rights, he asserted.

Arguing that the world needs a new breath of fresh air on human rights thinking, Malkoç said: “Our president’s (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan) statement that, ‘the world is bigger than five,’ and the fact that it is gaining attention all over the world is the most concrete indicator of this.” He was referring to Erdoğan’s oft-repeated slogan for U.N. reform, “The world is bigger than five,” pointing to the unrepresen­tative nature of the U.N. Security Council’s five permanent, veto-wielding members. “After Oct. 7, the law on human rights in Gaza, Palestine and the world will be reconsider­ed,” said Malkoç. “In Türkiye, human rights institutio­ns like us have a great responsibi­lity. We have prepared this report to fulfill this responsibi­lity.”

Calling attention to the suffering of women and children in Gaza since Oct. 7, Ombudswoma­n Yalçın underlined that Israel has been committing genocide in Gaza over the past five months. She noted that according to the U.N. Population Fund, pregnant women face the risk of miscarriag­e at rates of up to 300% as they have no access to hospital care. Yalçın pointed out that the 50,000 women who were pregnant in Gaza on Oct. 7 could not “give birth in a healthy way” amid the lack of food and clean water, with many among the 2 million displaced since the offensive began. The official further said: “That is why there are so many child deaths. There are even many reports of women going through c-sections without anesthesia,” said the official. “Things are getting much worse for women in Gaza,” she warned. “This March 8, we need to proclaim this to the whole world.”

Yalçın emphasized that the number of women killed in Gaza has exceeded 7,500 and urged women’s organizati­ons around the world to raise their voices on Internatio­nal Women’s Day.

 ?? ?? A Palestinia­n man pushes his bicycle as he walks amid buildings destroyed in Israeli bombing as they flee Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, Palestine, March 7, 2024.
A Palestinia­n man pushes his bicycle as he walks amid buildings destroyed in Israeli bombing as they flee Khan Yunis in the southern Gaza Strip, Palestine, March 7, 2024.

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