
More than 150 Turkish companies participat­ed in the tourism fair held in Serbia


The 45th edition of the Serbian Summit was held in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, between 22-25 February. The Internatio­nal Tourism Fair started with the opening speech of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic stated that the number of foreign tourists has exceeded the number of domestic tourists, and tourism revenues have increased. At the fair, various holiday programs for travel lovers were introduced. More than 150 Turkish companies participat­ed in the Internatio­nal Tourism Fair held in Belgrade, the capital of

Serbia. Turkey’s Ambassador to Belgrade Hami Aksoy visited the fair and received informatio­n about the works at the Turkish stand. Aksoy said, “The number of companies participat­ing in the fair from Turkey has increased significan­tly. This is an indication of interest in the Serbian market. Last year, the number of our citizens visiting Serbia from Turkey exceeded 200 thousand, in the same way, the number of tourists visiting Turkey from Serbia in the last 2 years exceeded 300 thousand, these are very pleasing developmen­ts. Together with Turkish Airlines, we are increasing reciprocal flights. Together with Turkish Airlines,

Air Serbia, let’s include Pegasus in this. It flies to Istanbul 6 and sometimes 7 times a day. There are direct flights to Ankara and Izmir. Our biggest goal is to start direct flights to Antalya as soon as possible.” said.

Aksoy stated that with the start of flights to Antalya, they can increase the number of tourists visiting Turkey from Serbia to 500 thousand.

Erkan Yağcı, President of the Turkish Hoteliers Federation (TÜROFED), stated that the fair in Serbia is one of the most important events in the region and said that they take part in it every year.

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