City Times

Bridge Louie’s great lead


“Do you advocate leading from kings?” Unlucky Louie asked me. “Sometimes it’s mandatory,” I said.

“Well, what about leading kings?” Louie persisted. “Unsupporte­d kings? Rarely.” Louie was West in today’s deal and led the king of clubs against four hearts.

“When my king won,” Louie said, “I led a club to partner’s ace and ruffed the third club. But declarer won my diamond shift with the ace, finessed in trumps, got back to his hand with the queen of diamonds, finessed in trumps again and took the rest. I got off to a great lead, and it did me no good. That’s the story of my life.” BALANCED I can’t say I would have found Louie’s lead: North’s raise to four hearts suggested balanced pattern, so it wasn’t clear that an attacking lead was necessary. But if I had, I hope I would have beaten four hearts.

On the third club, Louie must discard a diamond instead of ruffing. Declarer can’t get to his hand twice for trump finesses and loses two trumps plus two clubs. DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠ J65 ♥ 9 6 5 3 2♦ AQ ♣ 9 5 3. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one heart and he bids one spade. The opponents pass. What do you say? ANSWER: Your partner did not jump at his second turn and so has a maximum of 18 high-card points. His non-jump change of suit is not forcing. Pass. Though you have three honors in his suits, the chances for game are uncertain at best, and there is no further bid I would be eager to make. North dealer N-S vulnerable

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