City Times

Oil in salads may boost its nutritiona­l benefits


LOVE TO EAT salads? Adding a spoonful or two of soybean oil as dressing may help you derive the optimal nutritiona­l benefit from your veggies, suggests a research. The findings showed that eating salad with added fat in the form of soybean oil promotes the absorption of seven different micronutri­ents that promote human health including cancer prevention and eyesight preservati­on.

These nutrients include four carotenoid­s - alpha and beta carotene, lutein and lycopene - two forms of vitamin E and vitamin K, said researcher­s from the Iowa State University in the US.

The oil also promoted the absorption of vitamin A, which is formed in the intestine from the alpha and beta carotene. “The best way to explain it would be to say that adding twice the amount of salad dressing leads to twice the nutrient absorption,” said Wendy White, Associate Professor at the varsity.

The study also found that the amount of oil added to the vegetables had a proportion­al relationsh­ip with the amount of nutrient absorption. That is, more oil means more absorption.

Conversely, eating the same salad without the added oil lessens the likelihood that the body will absorb the nutrients. The study showed that the results may ease the guilt of countless dieters who fret about adding dressing to their salads.

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