City Times

Being decisively indecisive

Indecisive­ness is one of Arathi Jain’s best traits, so much so she even tosses a coin when it comes to making a choice


“Always listen to your heart, because even though it’s on your left side, it’s always right,” said noted writer Nicholas Sparks about following your instincts. But for me, the question is, what do you do if your heart too is conflicted? Being indecisive is something that comes naturally to me. My mum often says, “It’s like you have taken a PhD in it.” But little does she realise that I have inherited this inevitable quality from her ancestors. Also, it is something my dad and I agree upon.

Growing up, I had a perfect life where I would just go with the flow. It’s only when I completed high school that things started to change. I still remember that day vividly. I came back home from my last day of school, thinking that my mum would be waiting at the entrance to welcome me with a arti ki thali (veneration plate), similar to what Jaya Bachchan did in the movie Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham for Shah Rukh Khan (her son in the movie), along with a menu filled with all of my favourite dishes. But, all my hopes were shattered when she welcomed me with this question, “What do you want to do your bachelors in?” My heart skipped a beat and my senses numbed, her words echoed in my head repeatedly. It was similar to getting a slap when least expecting it. That’s the day it dawned upon me that from then on, I would have to make life decisions on my own. I did not sleep that night, worrying over what exactly I wanted to be in life. A lawyer? Maybe not. I kept changing my decisions... Maybe a teacher, oh wait! I will have to deal with children or how about being an Animator? That’s it! Fast forward to this day, I am half way through my bachelors, yet I haven’t decided whether I really want to pursue animation.

It was supposed to be a simple decision, I had already made my choice when entering college. But here I am still wondering whether I made the right choice.

To this very day, I constantly struggle when it comes to making choices. There are times when I flip a coin to make decisions for me (which is not the best way to decide on matters, but I do it anyway). Even though being indecisive has consequenc­es of its own, there are some perks to it like:

• You tend to be more analytical.

• You are much more open to new opinions and ideas.

• You are experiment­al in life.

• You are curious to know more.

• You have multiple skills.

• You are a good listener and much more..

And as for the consequenc­es, it is technicall­y the sum of all the embarrassi­ng outcomes in your life. But at the end of the day, these are the moments that make your life look as perfect as perhaps Gucci or Prada. Hence, own it like you mean it. Neither is it going to be easy, nor is it going to be hard, but eventually, it’s going to be fine. Its okay to be indecisive... Well, maybe sometimes.

 ??  ?? Arathi Jain has a deep desire to explore the world, but she doesn’t know where to start...
Arathi Jain has a deep desire to explore the world, but she doesn’t know where to start...

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