City Times

Feng Shui No-No's

- Shivani Adalja is a Feng Shui expert based in Dubai. Email align@shivaniada­

Feng Shui has certain rules and guidelines that can be applied in any space. Some of these guidelines tell you what not to do. So, let’s look at some of the most common Feng Shui No No’s.

Avoid sleeping or working under a beam. Any overhead structure carries heavy energy and sleeping or working under one will cause headaches and shoulder pain. Best to avoid any kinds of beams altogether. However, if you can’t escape the beam, then place your bed or desk in such a way that it is not under the beam.

Pillar-free entrance is recommende­d. Pillars block energy movement and are not ideal to have opposite the main entrance. It slows down energy and creates a sluggish environmen­t. This could impact the mood of all the residents in the house and may lead to health problems. However, if your chosen property has a pillar and you can’t change the house, then cover the pillar with a mirror to minimise the ill effect. Placing tall plants around the pillar could also help to a certain degree.

Stay away from garbage dumps. Choosing a property near a garbage dump is never recommende­d. The foul smell and the stale energy impacts your health negatively and will lead to illnesses. In some cases, I have also seen tension among relationsh­ips when residing near a garbage dump.

Avoid living near a graveyard or a hospital. Graveyard has old or dead energy. It is also not a place where people are happy. As a result, the energy in the graveyard is not recommende­d for living beings. Hospitals on the other hand have a lot of sick people. This creates heavy energy and impacts people living around the hospital. The best solution is to never choose a home in the vicinity of these two locations.

Say no to properties which are constructe­d on lower ground. This will give an illusion that the property is buried inside the land and energy movement will be restricted. Best to avoid such places as they tend to have no energy movement leading to stagnation.

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