City Times

Golden Globe means more to Oh after time to reflect


NOW THAT SHE’S HAD A few weeks to reflect on her experience as a Golden Globes host and winner, actress Sandra Oh realises even more what it meant to Koreans and immigrants.

At a news conference on Saturday, the Killing Eve star said she has had several young people approach her to say how much the moment meant to them. Oh, who co-hosted the Globes with Andy Samberg, thanked her parents in Korean when she won best actress for the BBC America series. “The significan­ce of these wins are not lost on me at all,” Oh said. “I didn’t want to waste a moment and not be completely there.”

During the after-parties, “I didn’t need one drop of alcohol because I was so high,” she said. Still, rememberin­g how petrified she felt before the show, she said she’s not interested in another hosting gig.

Oh turns next to the second season of Killing Eve, which begins airing on April 7. BBC America says that during its debut season, Killing Eve was the first program in many years where every episode reached a larger audience than the one before.

Besides accolades and ratings, people involved with the show have learned from their families that the show was successful. Emerald Fennell, writer and executive producer, said her mother would text her late at night with suggestion­s on how the show could kill people.

Fennell is the new top writer and producer behind the show, replacing predecesso­r Phoebe Waller-bridge. “It’s terrifying,” Fennell said. “It’s lucky that I came on board before (the first season) came out. Otherwise, it might have been hiding-underthe-bed time for me.”

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