


One of my relatives is suffering from hidradenit­is suppurativ­a (acne inversa). Does Ayurveda have a cure for this? NAME WITHHELD ON REQUEST Hidradenit­is suppurativ­a is a pea-sized or slightly bigger lump found under the skin and is seen as a severe form of acne that develops around oil glands and hair follicles. It usually appears as one or more red and painful bumps that fill with pus. It commonly occurs where oil and sweat glands are found, for example in the armpits or groin area. It may also occur in areas where skin rubs together, such as the inner thighs or under the breasts.

Excess weight, stress, hormonal changes, cigarette smoking, heat or excessive perspirati­on can worsen the symptoms.

As is the case with convention­al acne, hidradenit­is suppurativ­a develops when the oil glands and hair follicle openings become blocked. When oils and other skin products become trapped, they push into surroundin­g tissue. Bacteria can then trigger infection and inflammati­on. Sometimes hidradenit­is suppurativ­a occurs along with other diseases, such as Crohn’s disease or herpes simplex.

Early treatment can help manage the symptoms and prevent new lesions.

A warm facecloth or compress can help reduce swelling. He/she could gently wash the affected areas with antibacter­ial soap then apply an Ayurvedic applicatio­n like Jathyadi ghritham or an over-the-counter antibiotic cream. Clothes and underwear should be loose fitting to prevent skin irritation. The affected areas should not be shaved and he or she should try to lose weight, if necessary.

Your relative should consult an Ayurvedic doctor for a detailed consultati­on.

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