
Zainab’s determinat­ion to not only learn, but master, an extremely difficult form of martial art is indeed an inspiratio­n to all of us – men and women. Karen, editor. It’s hard to remember that many people don’t have the things we take for granted, such a


Zainab Malik is my new hero (‘Dubai’s biggest kung fu fan!’, October 17). While reading about her, I was reminded of UmaThurman’s role in the Kill Bill series of movies, about a woman who goes around taking revenge for all the wrong done to her, and with great finesse.

She has inspired me to learn some form of martial art just so that I am able to take care of myself. I hope other women follow suit and we soon get rid of the stereotype of women as the weaker sex.

The article ‘Solar Power Lights Up a Slum in Ghana’ (October 17) was inspiring. I appreciate the efforts of the British students who are members of Energy For Old Fadama for lighting up lives. I believe that more people like these students

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