


Prep time 15 mins

Cooking time 45 mins

Serves 4-6

1½ cups couscous

4 tbsp olive oil

375ml boiling water

1 onion, sliced into thin wedges

1/2 butternut squash, peeled and cubed

250g pack brown mushrooms, shredded

100g packet stoneless kalamata olives, chopped roughly

Extra olive oil and lemon juice or vinegar 50g blue cheese, crumbled roughly

Preheat the oven to 190°C. Mix the couscous, 2 tbsp oil, and salt and pepper to taste, in a flat dish. Pour boiling water over and cover airtight with cling film or a tight-fitting lid. Leave to stand for 10 minutes. While the couscous is steaming, mix onion and butternut squash in an oven dish and drizzle with the remaining oil. Mix through with your hands and oven-roast for 20 minutes. Add mushrooms and roast for another 25-30 minutes until everything is cooked and the vegetables edges start to char. Mix in the olives and couscous. Moisten with extra olive oil and lemon juice or vinegar and stir blue cheese through.

Make this dish ahead and serve warm or at room temperatur­e.

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