



I’ve noticed small moles on my arms, legs, neck and face including lips. My dad also has a lot of moles on his body. Although there are no cases of skin cancer in the family, I’m worried.


Unfortunat­ely, you haven’t mentioned your age and ethnic background, which are important factors in answering your question. However, in general, any individual can present with two types of moles – medically known as congenital nevi and melanocyti­c nevi. The first are moles one is born with, and the second are those which develop later in life. They can start appearing in early childhood and continue until mid-40s. In your case, genetic pre-dispositio­n could be the reason for the eruption of moles as you have mentioned that your dad too has a large number of moles.

In some women, pregnancy can accelerate the appearance of new moles or can make existing moles larger in size and darker in colour.

Consult a dermatolog­ist with experience in moles and skin cancer screening. You might need to get your moles assessed through computeris­ed mole-mappings that provide 30-40 per cent more informatio­n about the characteri­stics of the mapped moles in comparison to the assessment­s done based only on clinical examinatio­n.

Moles can be seen on any part of the skin surface but I would emphasise that one should not forget to get the moles located on hidden body sites including scalp, inner lips, palms, soles and nail folds examined. Missing a malignant melanoma on these hidden body areas can prove costly.

 ??  ?? is a Dubai-based dermatolog­ist DR IKRAMULLAH AL NASIR
is a Dubai-based dermatolog­ist DR IKRAMULLAH AL NASIR

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