
Magical multitaske­rs


Many beauty products make for amazing multitaske­rs, and there are a few that also have some rather unexpected uses. Here are some surprising ways to get the most out of your beauty products so you can save on your beauty shopping.

Coconut Oil as Skin (and hair) Hero

Other than being your cooking go-to and kitchen staple, coconut oil boasts a whole array of beauty benefits. Just one jar can act as a body moisturise­r, hair treatment, skin lotion, cuticle softener, and body scrub (simply mix with brown sugar) – and all you need to do is scoop it up and slather it on. An all-round amazing multitaske­r.

Foundation as Cream Blusher

If you want the effect of a cream blusher but only have a powder one, your foundation can make for one wondrous transforma­tion. Simply put some of your powder blusher onto the back of your hand and mix with a little foundation to turn it into a cream.

Highlighte­r as Lip Plumper

Don’t splash out on expensive lip-plumping products when you can create the same illusion with your highlighte­r. All you need to do is apply your lipstick, and then draw a small cross through the middle part of your lips and Cupid’s bow with your highlighte­r. Blend in, and your lips will instantly look fuller!

Lemon Juice as whitener and Brightener

When life gives you lemons, use them on your skin. And on your hair. And on your nails. In fact, use them just about anywhere, because this humble yellow fruit can do so much more than just snazz up your salad dressing. Lemon juice can lighten hair, brighten skin, whiten nails, remove fake tan, and bust blemishes all simply by squeezing the citrusy juice onto where you need it most.

Concealer as Eyeshadow Primer

If you find that your eyeshadow clumps into the creases of your eyelids, then simply dab concealer on them before applying your shadow – it acts as a base to keep it in place.

Petroleum Jelly to Make Perfume Last Longer

If your perfume fades far too quickly, then a pot of petroleum jelly can save the day. Applying it to your pulse points before you spritz your fragrance will make it last longer as the ointment is airtight and watertight, so it will seal in your scent meaning you spray less.

Eyeshadow as Highlighte­r and Liner

If you thought your eyeshadow was reserved solely to perfect your peepers, think again – because those subtle, shimmery shades work wonders as a highlighte­r on your face and body. Not to mention that you can turn your favourite shadow into a liquid liner, simply by wetting your eyeshadow brush, sweeping it across your shadow, and using it to line your eyes.

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